Another spin around the sun...

Sep 05, 2008 23:37

Guess I ought to try to write something every so often here, right? Reports of my existence may or may not have been exaggerated...

So, yeah. Annual happy birthday to foxfirefey, and indeed to my cousin Gary, ten years to the day older than me and in hospital with serious cancer (this isn't new news to me, but we share a birthday so I think about him a bit).

I'm in a meh mood, as will be established by posts made in previous years, I'm not really a birthday person, the weather got to me and then the washing machine broke down. Plus Forbidden Planet have only seen fit to deliver half of what SB has bought me, so while I'm wearing a Lost Boys t-shirt (which is cool) I don't know what else she's got me yet.

Nice cake from father-in-law, and a cheque from my parents. Which my mother has cunningly managed to date 2009. My sister sent a Dalek card which says CELEBRATE, CELEBRATE instead of the usual, made me chuckle, and got a laugh out of SB when I showed her. Thanks for all the comments on my wall and similar as well.

Still, I've had this layout on the journal for two years now. That's a bit weird really. Been tweaking it a lot recently, actually hacked into the S2 layer and figured out the basics, told it to only display tags I've used 5 or more times, reduced the indent on comments, put a printable link on posts for those not using plugins that like light formatting, a link to my tags in the topnav bar and I'm messing around with a 'bookmark this post' thing-if I can get that working properly I'll write up a howto as it's useful. I like hacking code; I'm really crap at it, but it's a challenge because of that.

Oh, I also finally got around to a significant reduction in the amount of people and blogs I'm reading, it was far too much and for the first time ever I've removed people I've actually met. Given I rarely do friends only these days it doesn't really affect anyone, and I've always viewed my friends page as a reading list first and foremost. And quite frankly I need space to pick up some new sites, which meant being a bit brutal.

Still, gotta finish writing this, ten minutes to midnight so the day is almost over, and cake beckons...

birthdays, family, life: 2008, lj layout, lj friends

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