So, before I turn in, the USians have an important anniversary of a seminal court case. If you haven't heard of Roe vs Wade, seriously, what colour is the sky where you're from?
I don't like the idea that abortion happens. I wish it didn't. I wish that access to contraception wasn't ever difficult, that it was reliable, that education and informed choices were the norm, that some people didn't ever feel so desparate that they need or want to remove a living being from them. But there is no way in hell I'll ever support any plan to remove the right of a pregnant woman to choose for herself, and David Steel was 100% right to introduce and push through the
Abortion Act 1967[1], and the fact that we're in a free society that accepts this right pretty much without question,
weird crime-rate-reduction correlations aside, is a Good Thing. But I'm not writing a long post about this today. I'm posting to link to one better.
InnerBrat - Part of the reason I'm pro-choice is the fear that I don't have one myself. Read. That is all.
[1] Reasons why feminists should be Liberals. First MP to propose equal voting rights? Liberal. MP to introduce the right to abortion? Liberal.