Awhileback, after
liadnan posted a link, I joined
The Culture List, an Iain M. Banks discussion list. Thing is, like many mailing list, it's been going for years. Many many years The regular members know each other (and many have LJs *waves*), and the original topic has been done to death. Nowadays it appears to be almost comlpetely off topic rambling. For the last three or four days, it's been, almost exclusively, a Mac vs all comers flame war. It got a little boring very quickly, but, well, 130+emails later, it seems to be dying off. However, in the dying embers,
Josh posted this, which amused; I missed it the first time around, bot someone else picked up on it, so went back and found it: > Maybe we should just have it out with longswords on the field of glory?
> Every OS manufacturer for themselves.
> The Apple warrior
> The Linux fighter'>Microsoft's champion would show up with an unwieldy French pole-arm, with
little bits tacked on and a sort of hinged thing and a flail stuck on the
side for no obvious reason, and would injure himself accidentally while
trying to even find the target because his helmet wouldn't open eyeholes
without verifying it with the user every time he wanted to look at
The Apple warrior would be wearing gleaming mithril chainmail and weilding a
slim and elegant rapier that would look really amazing but be unable to
pierce the heavy welded steel plate worn by the Windows guy.
The Linux fighter would show up in a surplus Russian tank dating back to the
Cold War with a retrofitted nuclear reactor for power, pictures of penguins
stencilled on the turret, and controls even he couldn't understand. He'd end
up driving backwards into a ditch and spend the rest of the battle designing
but never quite getting around to implementing a complex XML-based tank
retrieval and repair system.
Sounds about right. What is it about Mac fanatics that they just won't shut up? I rarely encounter any Windows fanboying; it's not "Windows is great", it's more a "Windows might suck, but it's what we have to work with". Some Mac users just don't seem to get it.
Ah well. Good mailing list, even if it is a lot of noise. Don't know how I'd handle it if I wasn't using Gmail's conversation view at times though; the joys of filters...