The only comic I buy regularly these days is
2000ad. It's British, it's normally well written, it's grown up with its reader base
(and I do shudder when it's put in the kids comic section of a newsagent, kids really shouldn't be reading it), and it's an anthology.
The advantage of an anthology comic is that there's always something you like
. If it's a standard comic, it's one story, one character, one writer. If it sucks, it all sucks, you've wasted your money. With 2000ad, there's always something I like, even if it's just one little story in an issue full of dross. With the current arcs, I'm a bit meh
about the Judge Dredd (just kill him off and give us Rico already), Stone Island is a bit arse, but Nicolai Dante is always good, and Banzai Battalion is just silly. But Malone? Who cares? It's the denouement today, the final installment, it's even on the cover. Meh, says I, but buys it anyway.
Y'see, Malone is the story of an amnesiac drifter
getting a job in a bar in an obscure colony world and trying to figure out who he is and where he's going. He's obviously 'useful', and good with a gun, but hasn't got a clue who he is. Cue the local gang boss trying to recruit him, a relationship of sorts with his cute younger neighbour etc. So far, so dull. Last week, at the end, a character shows up at the door who knows who he really is. The art is pretty poor, but it was a character that looked vaguely familiar. Meh, says I, I still care not, it's a crap strip, move on.
This week? I read it through, again, as I always do on Wednesday lunchtime. The guy introduces himself as
Rocky Rhodes. My memory refuses to tell me who that is. I turn the page, still not caring. I turn the page to the next panel, he's going to say who Malone is, I'm hoping it might pique my interest. Speech bubble. "Your name is
Finnigan Sinister". Interest piqued. More than piqued. Oh boy did that get my attention
It's no longer a Malone story. It's no longer a story abot an obscure backwater colony world. It's about
Downlode. It's about
Finny. It's about what happened. It's cool. Crappy story about a character I didn't care about? It was until today.
The art's still crap though
D'you like how I did the lj-cuts? Do ya, do ya? Meh... Anyway, next post? Damn fine coffee