OOC: Misa's Info

Oct 29, 2008 01:15

Name:Misa Amane

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Race: Asian, Japanese to get specific.

Description: This Misa still has blonde hair, but she sticks to her naturally brown eyes rather then wear the blue contacts. She stands a 4'9, but knows how to put her short stature to work. Misa still likes frilly things on occasion, but she looks back on her  'Lolita-Phase' with some embarrassment. These days, she sticks to simpler but chic clothes, such as jeans and a nice top. When she reads, you may find Misa wearing a pair of glasses, since she's constantly losing her contacts.

Personality: Misa is very emotional. She follows her heart no matter what, because she thinks your heart makes better decisions than your head. Misa has a good deal of common sense these days and she's always had street smarts, even if she doesn't show it. Still, her type of intelligence doesn't go very far academically, but she was a good student. While her housekeeping skills are poor, Misa is a very good cook. Since she had her daughter, she's becoming very motherly and might have a bit of a 'mother hen' syndrome among the kids in The Mansion. It's mostly because she misses Aiko so much...

Relationships: Her best friends are Teru Mikami and Light Yagami.

Misa has known Teru all her life, because they grew up next door to each other and Misa's parents took Teru in when his mother died. They're as close as siblings and Misa is fiercely protective of Teru, knowing all to well how he used to get bullied. She's very judgmental of anyone who comes into his life and scrutinizes them closely.

Misa knew about Light because they had a friend in common, Teru. Later on, she met him in Aoyama on 22nd when he saved her from being mugged. After that, Light got Misa home safely and told her to call if she needed anything.

The next day, she invited Light over for lunch and then proclaimed her love for him. Misa convinced Light that they should at least try dating. As a couple, they lasted six months, but Misa grew on Light and the two remained close friends.

If you ask how they met, both of them will lie and say they bumped into each other and it was a complete coincidence that they ever met at all.

The most important person in Misa's life is her daughter. At 27, Misa decided that she wanted to start a family, even though she wasn't married or dating anyone. She quickly ruled out adoption and instead decided on in vitro fertilization. She asked her ex-boyfriend and best friend, Light Yagami, to be her sperm donator and he agreed. Aiko was born on October 12th and Misa will remember it as the happiest day of her life as long as she lives.

History: Misa's parents were never killed, so she grew up in a normal family. Though they were a bit concerned when Misa started dating Light (age difference) they generally like anyone that makes Misa happy. When Misa insisted she wanted to be a model, her parents refused and forced Misa to go to the university. She resented it then, but now thanks them for making sure she got a good education.

As for a job, Misa works at a pet shop. She still loves being in the spotlight and helps out with the local university's performing arts program. That earns her a little side money and a bit of the limelight, so Misa is satisfied.

Misa currently has a small apartment that she shares with her daughter, Aiko. Light frequently stops by to visit both Misa and Aiko. Every other weekend, he takes the baby back to his place. Misa was wary about this at first, because of Light's boyfriend, Ryuzaki, but both men love Aiko dearly and spoil her rotten.

Notes: In Misa's world, there are no Death Notes or Shimigami. Also, Misa has a white cat, named Rem. It was given to her by Light, who felt bad when Misa's first cat, Gelus died.

info, ooc

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