Mar 15, 2013 00:53
Who are we? Who are you? What are you? so many questions with so little answers. Well at least you might think you know who you are or have an idea about it, but do you REALLY understand who you are? Well, some say that I shouldn't even consider the answers to this question, but with my "Soul" searching and always felt I was very connected to something GREATER then I. I have been doing a lot of reading of different spiritual books. I use to have a great bias towards Christianity and any forms of it, because in my opinion I felt it was just a bunch of bigit people that want to SAY everything else is wrong and that its the correct way. Its almost as if most Christians are brainwashed to see what the bible really speaks about. I taught myself to be more OPEN minded and have a broader understanding of the true meaning the Jesus Christ had in mind. It amazes me how misunderstood his teachers are. I guess because we are in a primary "CHRISTIAN" country, that it seems to be the right one. I come to understand and precieve that there is not a right one or wrong one. In fact, we need to purely understand the basic laws of the teachings to really understand the concept behind it. I found this out by trying to have a better understanding of Hinduism and realized I approached it completely wrong and I need to be more OPEN Minded and try to understand the true nature of everything.
I am currently reading a book called " remembering who you are, a guide to spiritual awakening and inner peace."-Jill Shinn.
It might speak to me in a way that It wouldn't speak to everyone else, but I think people should be more open to READING different things on spirituality, religion, and self help books, because it can really make you realize that people human has a whole different meaning. I know that a lot of the authors of these books usually have a christian based reference because most are American Authors, which really can help a person of the christian faith to understand this point of view.
My next read is "The Third Christ"-By Deepak Chopra. (I would totally drink his cool aid) lol
Anyways, I might be considered crazy or a hippie but It has helped me reevaluate my life and the people in it.
jill shinn,
spritual awakening,
deepak chopra,
soul searching.,