Moving Forward...

Jun 24, 2012 06:07

There is a lot to tell, and there is a lot more ahead of me. I really would like to update my journal properly and explain everything that has happened me to for the last two or three years. I guess that is how long it has been since I really gave anyone a explanation on why I have disappeared off LiveJournal.

I just know I have the funniest times that I decide to update. :P Usually when I am dealing with some sort of stress in my life.

I read my last post, it was basically based off a guy I was seeing at the time. Well, the break form each other didn't last long. We ended up moving in with each other. Then everything was fine until both of us realized that we need to brake up for real. Hearing him talk about how he wanted something that wasn't me. It started to wear on me a lot, and I just couldn't take the emotional crap any longer. I been separated from him for about two weeks now. Not cutting him cold turkey, but seeing him once in a while. Its actually a lot more complicated then it sounds, or at least how I am putting it.

Right now, I am working full time, going to school full time , and trying to keep myself and life in order. Since I will not be busy being a temporary house wife, I probably will have more time to update my Journal. There is a wholllleeeeeee lot of stuff I need to inform everyone on. :P

Feel free to comment and read the rest of my journal as well.

liveljournal, love lost, heart break, stress, breaking up, life, college, love, journal, missing, pasting time, materiarlainbow, facebook

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