
Dec 19, 2004 15:57

You Were a Little Naughty This Year!

While you're not likely to greet Santa with sucker punch...
He's still not too jolly about coming to your house.
You might get a small token from Mr. Claus
Like some detox pills for your liver.

Were You Naughty or Nice This Year?

Name 1o little things that make you happy.
1. catching your favorite song on the radio
2. inside jokes
3. aimless driving
4. a really good local show
5. when my brother comes home
6. laughing
7. first kisses
8. road trips
9. christmas lights
1o. finding a new band to love

And name 1o little things that annoy you.
1. missing your favorite song on the radio
2. commercials
3. people not using blinkers
4. being 20 and having rules like i'm 14
5. "Family Cleaning Day"
6. my dad
7. Gilbert Godfrey
8. when my mom coughs
9. waiting
1o. a really bad local show
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