Feb 16, 2012 11:50
With the world's attention on Iran this is a good time to wonder what would happen if Iran did get in some beef with Israel (or the United States). With Ahmadinejad showing off the nuclear fuel rods in Iran, the time gap for sabotaging their effort is getting smaller and smaller. A couple of weeks ago the New York Times Magazine ran a cover story, Israel Vs. Iran (a great read by the way that gets into the splitting opinions within Israel about whether Iran is genuinely pursuing uranium enrichment for civilian purposes or not), which predicted that Iran would use their far reaching militant connections to find targets in asia (because the West is hard to hit). Now that Europeans are contemplating an oil embargo under pressure from you know who the timing wouldn't be better for a frustrated Iran to strike. Sure enough, a couple of days ago an Iranian bomber set off a bomb in Bangkok which wounded civilians as well as himself (he blew off his own legs). The events if you have been following closely read like a spy novel. Recall the incidents (there were more than one) when leading nuclear scientists in Iran were killed by guys on motorcycles sticking bombs on their moving car doors, nobody has claimed responsibility but the Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, is the thought to most likely be the perpetrator. Thus the attacks and counterattacks are ongoing raising the question of whether any of this will escalate to non-covert, full-on, military action.
Well so who would be against the Allies? Iran presents itself as a peaceful country that has not been at war with anyone since Alexander the Great. Hmm. In reality, Iran has some dirty fingers for example it is best buddies with Hezbollah in Lebanon, the extremist militant group. They're also best buddies with extremists in Pakistan. Furthermore, Robert Baer, an ex-CIA agent believes that Iran is responsible for ordering the bombing of the American embassy of Beirut in the 80s. This surely doesn't paint a picture of the peaceful Iran.
But this is as much of a war of religions as an oil war. Iraq comes second as the country with the most Shia Muslims after Iran (in the Muslim world, the Shias are the minority the majority being the Sunnis). Thus if not the government, the people of Iraq would most likely stand behind Iran.
Maybe all these fear inducing articles in the news are just fear inducing articles. Every generation sees a freak-out of world threats from environmental perspectives to ideological ones. So maybe I should put back all my CIA books back on their shelves and let my brain cool but if the threat is real then the outcomes do not look well. Especially now when the lives that will pay the price for this political chess game will be civilians who wouldn't even dream of having this current government. Take Iran, the majority of the youth in Iran is very much against their government much like most of us here protested with the rest of the world against the Iraq invasion.