Watch for my uncle on the Colbert Report April 22!

Mar 31, 2008 21:11

 I have been spending too much time at the Alley Cat.

In other news, my Uncle Ralph is SO FAMOUS he is possibly going to be on the Colbert Report April  22, the day of the Pennsylvania primary.  He is so famous that he and Steven Colbert already know each other personally, have worked together in the past, and Steven Colbert personally left a voice mail on his cell phone the Friday before Easter.

How do people wind up living exactly the life they want?  For example, my Uncle Ralph eventually became famous making a career of his hobby doing Ben Franklin re-enactment.  I want to make a career of sarcastic zines and/or jean sewing.  I also want to be an underground Beat princess of poetry and romance who does dangerous things like trains and hitchhiking and mountains and deserts.

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