damn it.

Sep 13, 2013 05:15

I've kind of gotten back to my old fandoms - well, to read the fanfic at least! And am currently firmly settled in the HP world a;lkjdf. I never warmed to Draco, but i was a loyal harry/hermione shipper, and still am! But after the 7th book I ended up with so many Snape feels that i started reading snape ships - snape/hermione and snarry, and it was with considerable surprise that i was hit with sudden strong anti-marauder/lily sentiments al;jflas I was like where did this come from. I mean, I've never thought any of the characters were perfect, though I've always been significantly disapproving of the marauder era bullying and how that was handled... but today I read a fic and i remembered some of the stuff from the books and i was so disgusted by James and Sirius and even to an extent, Lily, and i just wanted to hug snape and never let him go and then before i knew it i was bawling into several tissues and wailing about his shitty childhood and shittier adolescence and later life and shittiest death and all that wasted potential and they're all fucking fictional characters and the books came out ages ago and omgwtf why NOW

still sobbing

never thought i'd be such a snape fangirl


hp, why do i do this, oh god why, why is this happening to me, where did this come from, waaah

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