while everyone else is joining Avengers fandom, this is what's happening with me...
May 06, 2012 02:08
Oh hey guys. Remember how Sonny Moore was in a pop-punk-hardcore band called From First to Last, and then quit to become Grammy-winning dubstep artist Skrillex? There's a lot of hilarity to be mined there, and now I ship Sonny Moore with Joel Zimmerman, more famously known as deadmau5. THEY ARE KIND OF ADORABLE TOGETHER. SEE PICTURE ABOVE. Sooooooo there are some Skrillmau5 fics in the works and there will also likely be fanart tie-ins with maresanctum, because we're that weird friend you have who keeps liking things sincerely when they originally meant to like them ironically.
Ummmmmm, I should also admit that I think I'm joining the One Direction fandom, because [I can't resist how gay they are] . There will be fic of them too, mostly of the Liam/Zayn variety, because yes, I've already picked a favourite ship.
I think almost all my oldest LJ friends are from FOB/MCR/PATD bandom, but I've made a lot of other friends since then and I don't know how you all feel about me returning to my RPF roots. I just wanted to warn you that real person fic will be happening on this LJ soon-ish, in case you're uncomfortable with that. They'll all be labelled, obviously, so hopefully no one will be unduly traumatised. :D?