May 14, 2006 15:07
The school year is winding down and I can't wait for it to end. AP tests are done, now all I have to do is a couple of spanish speeches, some western civ stuff, and a little studying for finals. Speaking of Western Civ, i got owned by that test. it was just plain bad. I need to get some extra credit done sometime soon.
The tennis season went by really quickly. i definately need to go watch the Peter win at State though. We're gonna be so bad next year, but at least I'll make varsity. I also saw highlights from a 5-set match between Nadal and Federer-it looked amazing! Federer lost in the 5th set tiebreak though :(
Yesterday I went to Battle of the Bands and it was by far the best i've been to at the high school. i actually like 8 or 9 of the 12 bands. and my Ludarae homies took home #1 and one of my favorite bands, Capt. Rugos got Peoples Choice. other highlights included 2 Hawt 4 U, Adelynne, and the Preeminents. After the BOTB, we went to Matt, Evan, and Drew's open house which was really cool/unique. Then I had a bunch of people over at my house for some halo-ing. yeah, dont really have much else to say.
If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize--Muhammad Ali