Jan 31, 2007 17:11
Dropped a grand on Tesol yesterday. The first of only a few affirmative action steps to getting me into a good school overseas, with good benefits and pay, while not looking like a jackass when teaching.
The date I'll more than likely quit my current job - March 15th, 2 weeks after being there three months. Probation took way too long and stank, sucked, and made me suffer way too much.
I may run for mayor in 4 years. Figure I'll cream Larry Obrien, and being so young and attractive (sadly, unlike him, missing the deamon elf features) in comparison to everyone else in the race, will win by default.
Yes, the Ottawa Mayoral elections are a virtual beauty contest, this time around, Alex Munter lost because he badly scalded his face merely a week before votes were cast. Intense plastic surgery was attempted, but failed to to mannequin-esque-ism.