Jul 15, 2006 02:01
Captains Log, July 15th, 2006
Today in my daily chat with Leonard, he menitoned that according to the notes of Dr. Jean Paul Gasse, it seems that the Gillmen are preparing to evolve yet again. I had seen no real changes in them and begun to believe he was slightly off his knocker. Two days had passed and i begun to notice little what could only be described as parasites on the bottom end of each Gillmen, but as Iooked closer these "parasites" were moving in unison with the Gillmans flippers. He has also begun movements similar to that of a dolphin, things such as upside down swimming and swimming backwards. They are still about the size of my hand.
In the insect habitat the spider has made a web and is keeping the moth population under control. The next few days should be interesting.