Mar 26, 2005 23:04
Man, what the fuck is up with the media?
This is might sound redundant -- but seriously. Why can't I flip on the TV and see some real fucking news. I'm sick of these "news stories of the month" shit -- Give me some fucking news. I know journalism isn't easy, but dig up some real fucking stories.
My brother called me a nazi after I told him Terri Schiavo should die. My brother Dave usally really looks up to me, and will respect my opinion -- but he was really sensitive over this. We started arguing, and sure enough, he had just seen some shit-news on FOX , and didn't have the facts. Fucking media. Hey, CNN, FOX, CNBC -- you're all copying each other anyway -- should'nt you get the facts across to the people, like my brother?
I might catch shit for this -- oh well. Fuck Terri Schiavo. One person shouldn't cost $100 - 150 dollars a day -- to lie around like a bobble-head. Shes more like a half a person. She can't even fucking eat. Over the course of 10 years, shes spent 1.1 million in tax payer money. People live and die every fucking day, just move on.
My dog limps around all the time. Its full of tumors. We're going to put it down. I know this is the right thing because shes in pain. Sure, Terri Schiavo and my dog Belle aren't the same situtation, but both need to be put down.