I met a boy.

Nov 22, 2005 15:12

So, I made out with a boy on Sunday night.

And I met another boy on Monday night.

I went out to Delilah's last night for Punk Rock Night, just like I did every Monday during the summer. I hadn't been back since August, since Tim and I broke up. I didn't want to go there and see him then. But he commented on my last journal entry, and we text messaged a few times, and I felt that I could be his friend now. And my friend Angelica was coming into town for the first time since July and would be there, so I had to go. I really didn't think things would be weird, even though I'm not friends with any of my ex's. Dumb, eh?

Things were weird. Tim and his roommate got there late, and when he walked in I just thought "oh he's cute." I think it's just that even though I know we are not meant to date and I want to be his friend, if I once found him attractive I will always find him attractive. And I hadn't seen him since the day I walked out of his house crying, so it was a shock. Anyway, Tim was really nice but barely talked to me and kept wandering off. He always wanders off there because he knows everyone at Punk Rock Night, but I couldn't help but think that he felt a little awkward too. And talking to his best friend/roommate was really hard..it just wasn't comfortable anymore, it didn't flow. That was odd. But his best friend's girlfriend and I picked up like no time had been lost, and that was really great because I never got to tell her goodbye. We had gotten really close. And of course the subject of me and Tim came up, because even though I was smiling, someone asked me if I was okay, they could tell I was feeling weird. And another girl that was with us didn't know the story, and she wanted to know it..but I just said that Tim was a great guy and I didn't want to get into it. Cause I don't want to say anything bad about him...it was just a bad situation and he shouldn't date. At all. haha.

But yeah so Tim's roommate and his girlfriend left and Tim was off somewhere so it was just me, Angelica, and this girl Stephanie. We talked about a lot of stuff and it was just great, to have girltalk at the bar, and to be at Delilah's on a Monday but have it be different. Early in the evening when it felt weird I thought to myself that I really like hanging out with my new friends, that their conversations and fun times are better, different, comfortable. So when it was just us girls it felt that it flowed into that new great friend feeling. I realized how much I miss Angelica, how great she is at understanding me.

So I want to go to Punk Rock Night at Delilah's. I want to start a Team Monday (with a new name, cause fuck Team Monday. And "Fuck Team Monday" might even have to be our unofficial slogan.) And I want it to primarily be girls...Leigh, Ginny, Rachel, Danelle, etc. but boys can come sometimes too. Cause the people at Delilah's are cool, but they're not clique-ish. So yeah, comment, call, or just come out (Mondays, 9-9:30pm, upstairs probably, Delilah's at Diversey & Lincoln) if you're in.

Which brings me to the highlight of the evening...

We decided to go find Tim and leave around 1am. I grabbed Tim's coat and started to walk toward the stairs. There was a clear shot to the stairs and I thought about just waiting down there for Ang & Stephanie, but I turned and they were looking for something, I think Stephanie had lost her hat. So I stood there. And by this time of the night, I was very drunk. I had Tim's coat in my arms, I was all bundled up, and I was standing in the middle of the crowded bar. I didn't think this was unusual, but this morning I pictured it in my head, and it probably was weird. So this guy started turning around and glancing at me all nervously, and I'm thinking now he probably wondered if I was trying to get past him. So I smiled at him and he kept turning around all twitchy. So finally I leaned up (he was tall) and said "hey, how's it going?" and he replied and asked what I was doing. And I told him that I was waiting on friends, that they seem to have lost something, and he glanced over at them. And we chatted, I asked his name, and he got shy and didn't tell me. So Ang & Stephanie found the hat and broke through the center of this guy and his other two friends. And they looked over at the guy I was talking to, who leaned over and stuck out his hand and said hello to them, and I proceeded to say to the guy "oh, so they get to know your name and get all officially introduced, eh?" The boy put his face very close to mine and said "they don't know my name, I didn't tell them my name" (wow cuteness) with a smile. I tell Ang I will be down in a second and they depart. Then he lights a cigarette and asks if I want one, holding it out to my mouth, (closeness once again) and his other guy friend sticks a cigarette out at my mouth too, so I was getting jabbed at by cigarettes seemingly from all directions. After that episode, he tells me that his name is Bill, we exchange names, and he is still acting all nervous and smiling. So I say that I have to go, that my friends are waiting..and he says okay with a big smile, and then I lean up, put my hand on his back and say silly & sweetly "I think you're cute Bill" really close to his ear and take off, leaving a shocked look on his face. Well, this is where the crazy really comes in. As I'm descending the stairs, I hear "Allison I think you're cute too!" shouted and look back to see Bill's surprised face peeping through a couple people at the top of the stairs, and then he runs away. So I think oh hell no and go back upstairs to find him back with his friends and say "Bill, I'm going to need your phone number" while getting out my phone!! And he once again is all nervous and smiley and cute and says "well, I'd like to get yours Allison." So he takes my number, with last name, and I ask if I should take his and he says no, that he has mine...and I ask if he is really going to call, and he says that I will have to wait and see. I maybe said I hope so. So I said bye and grabbed his waist again and really left this time, feeling ever so giddy.

He was soooo cute! He had blonde hair and scruff, was tall and skinny, and had on a tan corduroy wide wale blazer with the collar turned up. His friend had dark hair and dark clothes on, and the third friend was a girl, a brunette with her hair in a ponytail, all skinny like a hipster/sorority girl mix. So I am a little taken aback by her, cause if that's his crowd or his style, I'm not that...but he could've just left it all at me saying I thought he was cute, he didn't have to run after me...so I felt the number was a logical next step. Maybe he'll call? Either way, the story has made me happy all day..he ran after me..he was so insanely silly and adorable.

Drunken Allison is so great. I should be drunk all the time, I'd be a lot more fun, and I'd probably get a lot more dates.
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