flamingtoilet has 16 points and is the official leader at this time. (By the way, two more matches and you get a bonus 5 points for a ten-in-a-row run.)
dbaxdevilsfan has 13 points.
charisma and
diartest have 10 points each.
moongirli has 9 points.
lord_jim has 6 points.
moonelement has 5 points.
freebyrd1979, and
kreed have 4 points each.
skeezix1000 and
trillian421979* have 2 points each.
No one else is on the board with a match yet this year, but don't give up! There's lots of time left in 2006!
*You do know that I only collect points on Super Matches, right? Just checking.