(no subject)

Jan 07, 2006 00:40

I really don't comprehend this whole "Corner Brook Experience" thing which i've been exploring since September. I feel like I'm a strange soul creeping through a living corpse. I'm in a life of unexpected twists and turns. Did I follow the proper path? Is this where I belong, is this where I should be at? I cannot provide a sufficent answer. I feel like my mind has withdrawnl itself from me and everything I was. How can a, simple, change of enviorment change who you are? How can these little things get to you to the point of incompletion and foolish uncomprehensive mindblocks? I just sit here with no motivation or encouragment to furthergo the tomorrow that lays ahead. It was beyond my belief that a place such as this could exist.We're all a bunch of inconsistent-lying-ciniving-faggots who think theyre of some sort of higher power, they think "oh, i'm all that! fuck ya!" when really everyone else thinks their a fucking peice of shit. I've never felt like this. Completly gone. Completly left behind in my body without my mind. For fuck sakes, someone, please fast-forward to june. Winter depression, and cold weather hurts me with the addition of the drama-infested-village in which I currently reside it combines and forms a horrible pit of darkness and emo-lame-o-childrenz.
I see a bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lighting, I see a bad time today. HOpe you got your things together. & I hope you're prepared to die. One eye is taken for an eye.
I'm really exhilarated to get out on my own. I don't know man. It's just like, i've always been one of those kids who have always wanted to live alone. I am not looking forward to children, marriage, or commitment in anyways. I'm not going to a expensive fancy school to get a big fancy debt (woo_ to get a big fancy job to make loads of money. I'm going to live a simple life. I'm just going to have my own simple ways. I havnt been attending school for the past 12 years of my life to get excelling marks and praise for my intelectual level of acchievement, because clearly im fuckin stun and don't give a shit about being all book smartI've just been goin because first off its law , secondly when its alright to drop out you only got like a year left. and lastly ive been doin it just to get by. Man half those idiots who get straight a's and b's man, they're so fucking stupid. LIke okay, sure you can understand shakespear... anyone who wants to understand that shit could if they put enough effort into it. But those dumb little nutweeds don't know anything about the real world the outter layer of all the big techonlogical fantasy world bullshit they carry on with they dig so deep in forgetting about the essential fucking necessities they need to fucking know god dammnit. It just pisses me off how all those braineys think theyre sooo smart and sooo cool because they do all their homework and know all the answers in class. Uhhum sure, thats lovely, I think you're a bunch of fucking idiots and you should all burn for thinking lesser of me. Oh look at the loser over there they say about me in a shallow whisper shes dumb she got 16% on an open book math test. UHhum, Yep its true. Fuck you. I dont care. Who the hells going to be like "I wonder what this would looks like as a cosingraph!?"(sorry if thats not what a cosine graph is because i dont even know how to do it or if its even a grap, like i said 16% man ahha) YEAH FUCKING RIGHT SO WHY AM I LEARING THIS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Gah Anyways everyone already knowwwwwwwwwws how much I hate the educational system this gouvernemtn has in play for us. So IMma just stop that rant.
I really don't undestand marriage. Why do people do it. Is it just for the satifaction /confort of saying "were going to spend the rest of our life together?" does that ring and paperwork and a shit load of money for the weding ceromnoyo realyl insure the rest of your life being commited to one person? the divorce rateeee anyone ever look at that. yeah you fucking fools. as soonas ppl get married they alwaysr realize how dumb they are and ryun away and pay the 500 bucks to get a devorce. How does this sound NEVER COMMIT. NEVER WASTE MONEY ON A CEREMONY. NEVER WASTE MONEY ON ARING. OR DIVORCE PAPERS. JUST DONT GET MARRIED :@ arrrrh. I dont gettt ittt/ rearrr/ Sure I might be one of those old ladies knitting and drinkign her coffee in the from window of a beatu p shack but at least ill be happy errr... anger anger anger.
Yesterday I found a letter I started to write to SJ in Nb and it was so contrdicotry to the presnt time. I started tow rite the letter in September and just for laughs snice this is such a gay entry lighten the mood hahahah laugh everyone this is jut like the personal descriptoins of ppl . plz dont get offended AHAHAH.
This morning I encountered Meaghna dn Shawna. They were with this really pretty girl Chelsea. I knew meaghan and shawna before from like grade 3 and 4. Chelseas Meaghsn best friend. Illjust tell u about all the pppl i met since ive been here for waht the past week ahaha omg k.
theres this bitch girl krristen. i dont know what her probelm is I havnt even talked to her and she hates me. what a fuckign cunt. anyways i hear her and chelsea have this fucked up relationship thing giong on. meaghan told me not to get involved ha. so defitnyl gonna avoid that shit. then theres michael. he hates me to hahaha. he wrote this LJ entry about me (i do feel specail if your wondering hahaha, it wasj ust all ike i fucking hate her shes a racist main lander which yo know im not racist fuckt that, and she should go back to whereshe belongs blablab) ooh my what a lovely perseon. THen thers chelsea shes so pretty. and shes so nice wtf. yep. she reminds me of something. I dont know what. shes special HAHA. ooh my. shes creepily obsseessed with some "hot" teacher. uhhum i know shes a weird child. she reminds me of tamara except they look nothing alike. shes into the whole art shiz. and thats cool. gah, anyways. meaghan i knew her forever shes so rad. she didnt blend her makeup very good today haha. ooh my. we go way back to when we traded furbie for platform shoes ahhaha ooh yes cool i know. anyways her voice is like liz. its like liz voice inside meaghans body, creeepixz. therse shawna i hated her before in like grade 3 because she was all smart and shit. er. anyways she thinks shes hippie and yo know how i think about thos ppl all. oh im so hippe/punk/skatrrrr etc. ppl gah i hate them anyway sshes all imma hippie even though THERE ARE NO HIPPIES ANYmore rrarr/ anyways yeah shes cool tho listens to some good music i cant complain haha. THen theres my beautyfil sammm whom i loev ever so much and you already know about her because gah of course weve been best friends since alwaaaaaaaays anyways yeah..
so haah we all know like, thats all completly irre;event of what i think NOW anyways ahha just thought it was funny and sorry if i insulted you becasue i took out alot of mean things ahha.
this is so random and there are millions of typoooss but i dunt careeeeeeeee i hate grammer and punc an d stuff.
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