Whatever happened to...

Oct 11, 2008 16:08

...my writing? I don't mean that my technical skills are gone, because I certainly still know how to write. But I haven't felt like it in such a long time. I used to enjoy writing so much, both creative writing and just talking about my day and my thoughts. It is not for a lack of things to talk about, as many interesting things have happened in my life in the past couple of years, and I have definitely been full of thoughts and feelings that could be expressed, and maybe they should too. I keep thinking maybe I should write just to get them all out, because keeping a journal used to make me feel so much better, so why shouldn't it now? Except I just haven't felt motivated to do so, and that is strange. I used to think "Ooh, busy day, can't wait to express myself about it." And now it's more like, "Oooh busy day, can't wait to go to sleep." So I guess I've just gotten lazy? I'm not sure, but I do feel like some part of me is missing without the simple act of writing out my thoughts. And yet it's still not enough to actually do anything about it. Except now, I guess this counts. But it's still not a regular thing like it used to be. I wonder if I try harder, force myself into it, maybe I'll like it again and it will be a habit again. And I wonder if it would make me feel better too....
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