My first kind-of-real subbing project =)
Thanks so much to
OZARASHI for letting me use the translation..
and to
saobang2211 for allowing me to use the raw video from
arashi_x_dream Since I'm still new to this, I made a lot of mistakes for sure..
and if there are any mistakes in translations, it'll probably be me.. because i tweaked it a bit here and there..
That's why comments are welcomed (^^ )
Anyway, better stop the talking..
(since i realised I also rambled a lot in the vid.. *ehm ehm*
if you watch, you'll see.. pardon my talkativeness.. I guess I was just too excited XD)
Some screenies?
Our Hollywood star XD
Chibi shot of Sho, Nino, Aiba and Tsubasa (left to right) ♥
Here are the links:
Mediafire 001 | 002
MF mirror 001 (Thanks so much to
desirer91 )
Megaupload FULL (Thanks very much to
Join with HJ Split.
First of all, sorry for the inconvenience but I don't put the links up anymore.
There is a better subbed version of this SCP by
stormy_team and I don't see the reason why I should put mine up at all.
But if you have a question or request for the links, just leave a comment here.
Lastly, a reminder as always...
Please do not re-upload, share, or re-distribute the subbed video.
Enjoy the talk~