Dead Man's Chest..!

Jul 08, 2006 12:32

THIS is a review of Pirates 2.  Do I reccomend that you see it? Hell Yes!

Let me describe it in metaphor/simile/inane literary terms: It was like riding a crazy awesome and insanely hilarious roller coaster, full of gnarly-ass monsters, wacky moments and Johnny Depp spontaneously shooting undead monkeys (while carrying a jar of dirt) every now and then.  Imagine the roller coaster going into the last leg of the ride, towards the big plunge, clicking upwards 'till you're at the top... and that's the end of the ride, see you next year for the sequel!!

SO AGGRIVATING. %&^$(%$!!!!

But all in all, there were some crazy awesome moments in that film.  It was/is Disney fucking with you and having fun while doing it.  Seriously, they've caught the Depp Insanity Fever.. and it'll be six hours long, total.  I don't know whether to pull out my hair and have a tizzy, or die laughing, really...

(note: remember the line "....and then they made me their chief."  at the beginning of the first one?  Yeah.  Oh, and look under his armpits: yes, that is paprika.)

Also, waiting six hours for the midnight showing was fun.  Especially me dancing (and singing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts") in an empty parking space for five to ten minutes while Lauren brought her car around and stole the spot, ninja style, from a lady trying to run me over..  Yeah.  And playing Down By the Banks with other (random) teenagers we didn't know while in line..  It didn't help I had had an extra shot of caffiene in my coffee frapp.  I think I scared them.

In Other News, I love you all.  Now for a trip down memory lane.  Loves to Emma:

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