Nov 02, 2005 22:31
Hah! The first draft of the Evil Essay of Dooooooom has been CONQUERED! Six freakin' pages of nicely written crap with quotations to give it credibilty. My professor had better appreciate it. Thank the powers that be that she was merciful and extended the time we had to work on this. Instead of having the final draft due tomorrow we get an extra day for peer editing and then the weekend to revise. And she gave us candy. I am feeling rather more kindly towards her now which is a good thing. As long as I know that my teacher is generally a nice, likable person, I will choose to view an evil essay like this one as a challenge as opposed to a curse. And maybe if I keep repeating that to myself I'll actually believe it.
Hm... I get to meet with my advisor to go over schedule stuff for short term and spring semester. I'm going to try to take the Universal Horror Films, 30s-40s seminar that he's teaching for short term. If I have my way my only class for the month of january will be one in which we watch and discuss various versions of Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy and assorted others. I can't wait.
*Evil Grin*