Nov 20, 2007 17:21
Bathrooms are scary! I'm serious!
Like the shack ones...yes especially them!
Because! On let's see...Sunday na!
Ueda Senpai suggested doing Bloody Mary in the old bathroom shack!
He promised to pay the ice cream
And....I don't know what happened but! We..--no I saw (?) heard her!
The queen of england of the 18th century.....
She really does haunt the bathrooms! The weird thing is though, Ueda Senpai never saw her!
Only I heard her.
Notes: Don't clutch to anything that can hurt yourself! Or, always have a bandaid ready ^^
But then, clutching to your shirt is the safest of all things because keychains leave marks! And a little bruise
Its been 2 weeks that I have my braces. Now I take half an hour to brush my teeth!
Its fun! Honma ni ! When you stare out the window, it really takes time away!
But the dripping part was no fun....bring a napkin just in case....yea....
The play is coming up...its THEN! I only have one line ^^
Or 2
Even though she dies in the beginning, at least its off stage...I wonder how it would've changed the play if she still lived...
Such a loving mother...Okan!! I better call her....I wonder what she's doing now naaa
She was so beautiful! A person to look up to ^^
Got to go~ I hear someone mentioning Hiroki's name~
Is it this Okan mentioning it? Or someone else...I wonder...
I still don't believe he told me that...Is he ok? I would be devastated!
Maybe I should text him everyday...
Yea ...starting now? 0.0 It's not right when people feel down and you don't have any power to cheer them up.
What should I write though? =.= Maa I'm bad at cheering people up....maybe ignore it?
That wouldn't solve anything. Once it happens, there's no turn back. Only forward is the only option.
I don't like it when that happends. One way destiny lines were never fair...and they never will...
Both please get well...