Jan 11, 2008 18:34
Today, something really weird happened!
Randomly, Hiroki got this phone call. It was from a guy that I don't think I've met.
He talks to me in this weird accent. It was something like this:
Him: Harro?
Me: Hallo?
Him: -says something slurrish-
Me: Huh?
Him: -says something I can't understand-
Me: Huh? Do I know you?
Him: Who the heck do you think you are?!
Me: I don't know you...who are you?
Me: ....................
And I hang up. =_="
The bad thing was..that it was on private call. And he called again. I hung up. He called. I hung up.
What is this, One missed call? ..............
Lately, outside is really nice. Hiroki tries to stay out late as much as possible.
But when curfew comes, I go inside again, straight to bed.
I feel like texting.
Or take a nap.
Or, sit.
Or, go outside again~
Or I can, go outside, sit somewhere, and then take a nap?
And then text someone?
I'll do that then~!
[To Ueda Senpai]
I'm bored ;___; Help?
[To Massu]
Today's Friday na. Oh and, ---wait never mind ^^
[To Niichan]
Can Hiroki start texting Niichan again? It's boring when Hiroki goes to sleep now..