Following Everlovingmoon's brilliant idea

May 20, 2007 08:36

I thought I'd try and give more regular updates about life as well. It often feels as if there isn't a lot to tell. It just goes as it goes. Yet, I can write a couple of pages about it when I'm writing a letter, so there should be something to tell, shouldn't there?

Life is going quite well, though it has been really busy over the last couple of months, with invigilating, work and a family visit. There wasn't a lot of time left for studying, especially since both my regular job, and the invigilating made me extremely tired. On top of that, I have decided (maybe not the best time to start this, but anyway) to try and do with less sleep each night. It's been a couple of years since I found out that I work best on nine hours sleep. First of all, I want to see whether that is still the case, or whether I might be able to cut down a bit (especially since the nine hours often become ten) and second, it's become some sort of obsession. If I know today that two nights from now I won't get enough sleep, I'm already tired and that is just a bit ridiculous. So, I'm trying to cut down, not paying as much attention to it and just generally sleep a bit less. Hopefully that will give me more time to do other things. And hopefully it will actually work. Anyway, all that explains the tiredness. But now I'm back on track and ready to do some long days of studying. Though today looks like it might be the first dry, calm day, so I might do some very necessary things in the garden. I like gardening, but not so much that I go out to do it in storm and rain and all that. There are limits.

Work is ok, I changed my roster and am now working three mornings a week, which is a lot better than Saturday morning, Saturday night and Sunday morning. The people are really nice too, so I think I can stand this for another couple of months. Though I of course still hope that I get a fellowship that will mean I won't have to work anymore. Keep your fingers crossed!

Petra and I went to the theater the other day, to see The Complete Works of Wllm Shkspr - Abridged, which was originally written and performed by the Reduced Shakespeare Company. The one we saw was performed by the local students drama society and absolutely brilliant. It was hillarious. Imagine three guys performing all plays and histories and sonnets of Shakespeare in about an hour and a half. Even for a complete idiot when it comes to Shakespeare (i.e. me) it was great fun. I still haven't a clue what all the plays are about, but I had a great night.

Oh, and it's still my birthday, because I know there is two things still to come. But I've been spoiled rotten already, see the last birthday post.

phd, work, sleep, birthday, culture

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