Jul 30, 2006 16:03
Yes, people, it is going to happen. Esther is going to join a society. Why? To meet people, of course! Well, they call them societies, but to me they seem more like clubs or something. Now the big question is, which society? I am very critical. I want to meet nice people, the society should not be too time-consuming (once a week max, so the choral society is not going to work as they practice three times a week...) and not too political (example: yes, I am against the war in Iraq, no I don't want to talk about that all the time and I certainly do not want to chain myself to a plane or something like that; other example: yes, I am against animal cruelty, I might want to hear a bit more about it, but I am not going to do big protests. That is just not my thing), it shouldn't take itself too serious (some societies based on parts of the Irish culture tend to take themselves way to serious. Hey, I just want to have some fun, it's great if that helps the Irish culture, but if helping the Irish culture would be my goal, I'd join an activist group. Besides, with Celtic Studies, I'm sort of helping enough, right? I want to do something else in my free time [yes, you read that right, my life does not only consist of Celtic Studies :P]).
So with these critical points in mind, lets have a look at the following societies that might interest me:
The Chocolate Society: Yes, there is a society for lovers of chocolate. Only the fact that someone came up with the idea makes it worth joining. However, it isn't altogether clear to me what they do and of course a lot is going to depend on the people. Certainly worth trying out though.
The Classics Society: Since there is no Celtic Studies Society, this might be an option. It comes sort of close, even though studying classics at NUIG does not necessarily mean studying languages (strange thing, that), so it might be nice. On the other hand, it could be extremely boring, because as far as I can see they only organise lectures.
The Ecology Society: This is a problem case. On the one hand, it could be great. These people work on environmental and social justice issues. If they’re not too political, it might be really great, because this is something I am into as well. But put a group of people like this together and... I don’t know.
The Fantasy and Science Fiction Society: This one if first on my list at the moment. It just seems like a nice society, not to serious, and they play rpg and games J.
At first the History Society seemed rather nice to me, but now I’m not so sure anymore. It’s a rather big society and they organise the yearly arts ball, which I am totally not into. On the other hand, they do have interesting lectures, so it might be worth a try.
I have no idea what to think of the Music Society as their website doesn’t really give any information. Could be nice, could be awful.
The Philosophy Society: I am trying to keep an open mind, even though all the members of this society I have seen are over 40 and not too nice. Still, I do like philosophy, so I do want to see what they have on offer.
The Photography Society is another option. I like photography and it would be nice to learn more about it.
The Traditional Music Society seems to be taking itself a little bit too serious, but it could be fun. After all, I do love traditional Irish music and I have missed going to sessions. I am going to check it out, just to see.
I am not sure if I am allowed to join the Zoological Society since it might only be for zoology students. But it’s worth a try. After all, it has to do with animals!
So, these are all the societies I am considering to join. Of course I won’t join all of them, but to be honest, I don’t think I will have a lot of choice left when I’ve seen them.
It took me a couple of days to write this entry. There is more to tell, but that will have to wait until later.