Apr 10, 2011 11:49
I almost lost my lap top last week. Something just happened and my lap top stopped working properly. Now the problems are gone thanks to my boyfriend who re-installed XP and formatted my lap top. I only saved everything important (like photos, music files, important text and school files) and now my lap top works better and has a lot more space in it :--) Feels like I got a new computer ha ha. I'm very happy my lap top was saved <3 Though a new lap top wouldn't been a bad idea either.
I've been suffering from headaches for 2 days now >___< I dunno what's the reason 'cause I shouldn't be stressing out about anything. Maybe it's just because I didn't drink my morning coffee yesterday and went to work and then I had a nap and after that I started feeling awful :--P Well let's hope it'll be gone by the evening.
Today I'm going to start working on my costume's shoulder pads. I gotta build the base structure to them and then cover it with leather and paint. I hope this time it'll work out because my first attempt to do a way too difficult pads was terrible so I chose to go with more simple ones :--) I look forward to working on them ^-^ The belt and wrist bands are ready now so the costume's just missing the pads.