Apr 25, 2010 20:13
I went to St. Kates yesterday to sign up for classes yesterday. It was great! Though, I had to get up really early.
After a speaker, I went with one group to the Jeanne D'arc auditorium. They just talked about what to bring there, money management, and jobs. It was kinda boring.
After that I got to sign up for classes! I signed up for General Chemistry, General Biology, General Psychology, Principles & Concepts of Sociology, British Writers l, and Twentieth Century America. Unfortunately, I can take four classes each semester, though. Oh well.
There was a resource fair, and tours after lunch. I got tons of info, and got my picture taken for my student ID(it sucked).
The dorms were awesome. I wanna live in Crandall, since that's where the themed housing is. This years is Global Awareness.
I am soooo ready to graduate!!
st. kate