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TRADES ★ 301-400 okinomiya November 3 2009, 10:50:16 UTC
→301 to 315← okinomiya November 3 2009, 10:51:04 UTC
07.28.09 - →traded← idiot11 ★ jagan05 with fuckyeahfish. {trade 315}
07.28.09 - →traded← rookie06 ★ trigger03 with futatsuninja. {trade 314}
07.28.09 - →traded← chariot05 ★ solar13 with mobiuswolf. {trade 313}
07.28.09 - →traded← muga18 and mafia16 ★ beloved20, moe14 and king09 with whitelilies22. {trade 311, trade 312}
07.28.09 - →traded← positive19 and sms15 ★ crossover09 with rashiea. {trade 310}
07.28.09 - →traded← egyptian09 ★ co-host11 with chase_chan. {trade 309}
07.28.09 - →traded← windam02 ★ ceo12 with xx_lotus_xx. {trade 308}
07.28.09 - →traded← distant17 ★ itako09 with xx_lotus_xx. {trade 307}
07.28.09 - →exchanged← disguise03 ★ ceo18 at the card exchange.
07.28.09 - →traded← rookie13 ★ rookie06 with shikumo. {trade 306}
07.27.09 - →traded← axeman13 and orb15 ★ solar11 and solar17 with rashiea. {trade 304, trade 305}
07.27.09 - →traded← emo04 and emo06 ★ crossover15 with farsketched. {trade 303}
07.27.09 - →traded← complex18 ★ loveless03 with rashiea. {trade 302}
07.27.09 - →traded← returners13 ★ alien13 and short01 with sairaiyle. {trade 301}


→316 to 329← okinomiya November 3 2009, 10:52:23 UTC
08.03.09 - →requested← forget07 and megane20 ★ at the card shop.
08.02.09 - →requested← heartless17 and time17 ★ at the card shop.
08.01.09 - →traded← doujin08 ★ esper04 with rashiea. {trade 329}
08.01.09 - →requested← crossover10 and esper09 ★ at the card shop.
07.30.09 - →traded← strike12 ★ curse09 with stuffedpanda. {trade 328}
07.30.09 - →traded← justice16 ★ short10 with stuffedpanda. {trade 327}
07.30.09 - →traded← celes13 and ideals09 ★ relative17 and money18 with alana.
07.30.09 - →traded← uranus05, tail16 and lunar05 ★ co-host10, right12 and ghosts06 with corinn. {trade 324, trade 325, trade 326}
07.30.09 - →traded← lock01 ★ solar20 and moe09 with unchainedfenrir. {trade 323}
07.30.09 - →traded← otaku05 ★ solar12 with futatsuninja. {trade 322}
07.30.09 - →traded← ginryuu12 ★ sinner12 with manaka_baku. {trade 321}
07.30.09 - →traded← photos18 ★ beloved02 with kaurin. {trade 320}
07.30.09 - →traded← peace11 ★ hunter18 with lithographic. {trade 319}
07.29.09 - →traded← illusion16 ★ puu06 with shikumo. {trade 318}
07.29.09 - →traded← horse05 ★ dog18 with sairaiyle. {trade 317}
07.29.09 - →traded← colonel06 ★ otaku05 with corinn. {trade 316}


→330 to 346← okinomiya November 3 2009, 10:53:37 UTC
08.05.09 - →traded← jailbait10, morph16 and pitcher03 ★ dog07, moe18 and sos13 with fiendie. {trade 344, trade 345, trade 346}
08.05.09 - →traded← youkai04 ★ lunar13 with futatsuninja. {trade 343}
08.05.09 - →requested← illegal05 and tail05 ★ at the card shop.
08.05.09 - →traded← blood08 and guard11 ★ crossover04 with rashiea. {trade 342}
08.04.09 - →traded← money18 ★ sos18 with shikumo. {trade 341}
08.04.09 - →exchanged← returners11 ★ esper15 at the card exchange.
08.04.09 - →traded← revenge11 ★ jagan01 with sairaiyle. {trade 340}
08.04.09 - →traded← duck14 ★ right18 with lithographic. {trade 339}
08.04.09 - →traded← protect14, rayearth15 and straight06 ★ unlucky03, prey10 and chariot07 with futatsuninja. {trade 336, trade 337, trade 338}
08.04.09 - →received← co-host01, hunter03, hunter15, itako02 and short08 ★ from uri.
08.04.09 - →traded← relative17 ★ unlucky02 with futatsuninja. {trade 335}
08.04.09 - →requested← advisor02 and ideals16 ★ at the card shop.
08.04.09 - →traded← ballet07 and occult07 ★ jagan16, prey16 and solar06 with mmrobitussin. {trade 333 trade 334}
08.03.09 - →traded← rat15, sinner12 and snake11 ★ ( ... )


correction carnimirie April 5 2010, 05:09:58 UTC
correction to 08.04.09 - →received← co-host01, hunter03, hunter15, itako02 and short08 ★ from uri. should be hunter20 NOT hunter15


→347 to 364← okinomiya November 3 2009, 10:54:36 UTC
08.11.09 - →traded← dove05 ★ puu14 with rashiea. {trade 364}
08.11.09 - →requested← catcher10 and princess05 ★ at the card shop.
08.11.09 - →traded← drill18 ★ honey02 with lithographic. {trade 363}
08.11.09 - →traded← iris01, iris03 and noa03 ★ short10, cynic10, time19 and reverie19 with fuckyeahfish. {trade 360, trade 361, trade 362}
08.11.09 - →traded← pan14 ★ itako03 with mmrobitussin. {trade 359}
08.11.09 - →traded← plum14 ★ dog19 with mmrobitussin. {trade 358}
08.11.09 - →traded← rayearth07 and positive11 ★ dual06 and moe16 with mmrobitussin. {trade 356, trade 357}
08.08.09 - →requested← loner17 and switch09 ★ at the card shop.
08.07.09 - →requested← drill18 and left16 ★ at the card shop.
08.06.09 - →requested← heartless02 and heartless09 ★ at the card shop.
08.06.09 - →traded← playboy11, pokedex78, pokedex120, possess10 and rabbit10 ★ twin12, french01, dog08, short12 and beloved10 with royalbk. {trade 351, trade 352, trade 353, trade 354, trade 355}
08.06.09 - →traded← unlucky04 ★ itako12 with azurial. {trade 350}
08.06.09 - →traded← servant09 ★ short04 with farsketched. {trade 349}
08.05.09 - →traded← vino07 ★ ( ... )


→365 to 380← okinomiya November 3 2009, 10:55:19 UTC
08.19.09 - →traded← short14 ★ dual01 with kaurin. {trade 380}
08.19.09 - →received← ghosts07 ★ from rashiea.
08.19.09 - →traded← persocom13 ★ twin07 with farsketched. {trade 379}
08.12.09 - →traded← servant03 ★ alien02 with farsketched. {trade 378}
08.12.09 - →traded← reverie19 ★ honey09 with lithographic. {trade 377}
08.12.09 - →traded← french01 and french05 ★ hostess12 and left04 with futatsuninja. {trade 375, trade 376}
08.11.09 - →traded← doujin09 and cherry20 ★ moe20 and honey13 with futatsuninja. {trade 373, trade 374}
08.11.09 - →traded← apple01 and apple04 ★ cynic03 and king19 with fiendie. {trade 371, trade 372}
08.11.09 - →traded← megane09 and megane18 ★ right03 and twin14 with tezuka_zone_pot. {trade 369, trade 370}
08.11.09 - →traded← good luck ★ prey20, right17 and twin06 with rashiea. {trade 368}
08.11.09 - →traded← justice20, blue03 and revolution13 ★ itako20, ghosts08 and heartless15 with xx_lotus_xx. {trade 365, trade 366, trade 367}


→381 to 400← okinomiya November 3 2009, 10:56:01 UTC
08.20.09 - →traded← protect19 and rat16 ★ sos12 and ghosts01 with futatsuninja. {trade 399, trade 400}
08.19.09 - →exchanged← attack10 ★ dual07 at the card exchange.
08.19.09 - →traded← split02, sakujo05, sakujo13 and sakujo14 ★ magic20, hostess11, relative18 and trigger08 with farsketched. {trade 395, trade 396, trade 397, trade 398}
08.19.09 - →traded← airhead14, chariot07, ise06, ise14, rekka42, revolution02 and vision16 ★ alien16, cynic11, cynic20, sky02, sos14, trigger10 and trigger13 with xx_lotus_xx. {trade 388, trade 389, trade 390, trade 391, trade 392, trade 393, trade 394}
08.19.09 - →traded← seer03 and seer07 ★ solar01 and heartless03 with sairaiyle. {trade 386, trade 387}
08.19.09 - →exchanged← hyotei17 ★ itako13 at the card exchange.
08.19.09 - →traded← occult06, plum15, neptune10 and tail06 ★ itako15, dual08, beloved08 and beloved16 with mmrobitussin. {trade 382, trade 383, trade 384, trade 385}
08.19.09 - →traded← short10 ★ dual04 with kaurin. {trade 381}


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