Title: Picturesque Melody
Author: Masuhisa
Pairing: Ohmiya, one-sided Sakumiya, one-sided Juntoshi
Summary: A deaf painter meets a blind pianist
Disclaimer: Don’t own. All Fiction.
Part 2:
Nino looked up at the sky and thanked the gods profusely for ending his misery. He could barely contain his glee when Ohno announced that they will
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Comments 5
make oh-chan to go after him ^~^
i love how ohno jumping over the date with nino,
n nino willingly sacrifice himself to please ohno...
poor them...they are way too different from each other...
can't wait for next~thanks a lot! <3
what is it this time??
that nino ate the food??
that sounds not good...
i hope, that he will see nino again.
but poor nino *hugs him*
he did all that for ohno. *smile*
can't wait for the next one!! ^^
i can't wait for them to be together... oh-chan should make up for this one.....
poor ohno tried so hard and was so happy
cant wait to read the next chapter
thank you so much for sharing
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