People always call me crazy for wanting to be a teacher, but since the comments were mostly from teachers themselves, I chose to take it more or less as a joke. On Friday, I had a chance to finally sit down in the (main) staff room and put my feet up (not literally), and started talking to other staff. It only took one person's comment of "Why the hell would you want to be a teacher?" for the conversation to head towards rantsville. This is what I gathered from the conversation:
1x Stepping down, too much stress
1x Taking a break (different job), need to gather her thoughts and do things for herself for once
1x Taking a break (travel), need to get out and stop thinking about school
1x Quitting teaching next year, need to regain work-life balance
1x Early retirement, has had enough
2x Would rather go back to their old job and lived a better life, because.
All this information in just one lunch time. Heh.
Anyway, next week is the final week, and as I always say at the end of each prac: I'm gonna miss the kids so bloody much!! This is my first time teaching Japanese and I loved it... It really does make a world of difference teaching something you want to teach (and perhaps being comfortable with the contents already, it makes it all the better). I want to make them some sorta momento, but I prob don't know them well enough for that... Hmm.
Oh a completely different note, check this:
Rolf Sachs - 'momento' (designed for FORTIS) I have such a soft spot for anything stationary or sketchy or black, but DAMNIT it looks so cool though... Nerdy, but cool...