RESCUE on ORI☆STA: 2009 no.3

Jan 17, 2009 15:46


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Thanks for reading, my renewed notification, have fun♥
(*the italic sentence between brackets is the my additional explanation.)

- How did you feel when your drama was fixed?
Nakamaru(N): I like action movies, and I guessed this would be like them. And I was longing for 'salute'(LAIGH).From this aspect I was happy!
Masuda(M): I was really happy too~. In addition, I thought I had to train my body. Then through understanding its content, I found it really deep. I went into the world of this drama gradually.

- How were you when you met at the workplace for the first time?
N: (facing on Masuda) We said "let's do our best" to each other! For act and mentality, Masuda would become an improvement to me(LAUGH).
M: I agree. As we have lots of similarities, we might have the same anxiety, but we will be able to help each other a lot.

- At what point do you think you are similar?
N: Our way of thinking is similar.
M: We are similar as we are easy to worry and we rather don't break our own pace.
N: I agree. We are similar, similar!(LAUGH)

- After your drama was fixed, what did you talk with the other members of KAT-TUN or NEWS?
N: When I had just cut my hair, all of them laughed at me saying "BUHYA~! It's short!!", but then "as we get used to seeing you, you look nice~". As Kame also has a drama in the same season('Kami no shizuku' on NTV), as a coincident we cut almost at the same time. Kame gave me an advice for my hairstyle "how about cutting the back more"?(LAUGH)
M: "It sounds cool! Rescue rangers. Congratulations", all of the members were delighted at me. Tegoshi and others were looking forward to seeing me cutting and dye my hair into black. Koyama once walked through next time then said "Oh! You are Massu!!(*"I didin't realize who you were")". Well he is such a rude guy~(LAUGH).

- Through the training, do you realize the change of your body shape or strength?
N: Certainly we gained more muscle.
M: I agree. We we take off our clothes we say "you seem to have gained muscle".
N: Yes. In these days, we got a habit to look at ourselves in the mirror. We continue saying "(our muscle is) KIRETERU(*look sharp)"(LAUGH). Among the body builders, when the line of the sinew appears while straining their muscle, they seem to call it 'KIRETERU'.
M: When we praise our muscle, we say not "you look good" but "KIRETERU"(LAUGH).

- We heard that on the drama you would show your naked skin.
N: There is a bathing scene. I want you to check the muscle of all the rangers.
M: At the end our muscle will become more developed~(LAUGH).

- You have learnt from the real rescue rangers about the attitude, right?
M: While our training, sometime we heard that "as we are those who are rescuing, we are strongly prohibited to become into those who are rescued". Once I start guessing their feeling under such a(* severe) condition, I think it's really deep.
N: At the training, the rangers are kind to us, but once the rescue request comes and they go on the rescue cars their look changes. They are the real rangers indeed, I thought they were great.

- How did you feel on the fire station?
N: I was excited~. I felt as if I became the real rescue rangers!

- Have you been longing (*for the rescue rangers) since you were a child?
M: The fire station might be, the eternal admiration for everyone. It looks cool. Once I could ride on it, it looked cooler and I was really happy!

- On your characteristics, are there any sympathy or similarities will your role?
N: I myself am rather cautious and completely conservative, surely I am not similar to Daichi~(LAUGH). But because I am like this, there is something with Daichi which I envy.
M: Yutaka is mentally a little weak, and that is similar to me. Rather than just similar, he is almost myself(LAUGH).

- Its filming would be hard, and how do you refresh when you have much fatigue?
M: The other day we went to the foot massage together right?
N: As we had free time between filming at the same time!
M: As we were free at the same time we ate together, then as still we had some time and there was a massage room we tried. It hurt~(LAUGH).
N: It hurt~(lAUGH).
M: Although Nakamaru-kun fell asleep 5 minutes after it started~(LAUGH).
N: The refreshment is to go to bed soon (*after the work)!
M: And, to eat a lot!

- What do you expect in this year 2009?
N: This year begins with this drama. I want to finish this drama satisfactorily, and as KAT-TUN I want to enjoy the concert tour. Personally, I want to be the sophomore in my university(LAUGH).
M: Since at the end of the last year I have been in this drama, and as NEWS I experienced the year end and new year with our concerts, I could experience the new year period under the very fun and good condition, it was the best for me. I want to make this year good.

massu, orista, rescue, nakamaru, translation, news, kat-tun

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