Mar 15, 2007 23:45
I like watching Japanese professional baseball game for about 7-8 years. New season is coming closer, at the end of this month.
Every year I am interested in who wil appear as a guest in the opening ceremony.
My favorite team used to select a person -some are famous, some are just fans- who is related to the home ground area for the guest to throw the ball at the ceremony.
Some of other team selects just a famous artist regardless of where the person is from.
Today I heard that one of the team selected Wentz, is a fan of that team, as a guest for opening ceremony.
And last summer T&T, Johnnys duo, sang a promotional song for the other baseball team, and appeared as a secret guest of the ceremony.
I know Johnny-san and some of Johnnys idols like baseball. Kame is well known that he was selected to the all-Japan boys baseball league team, and Nino and Matsujun were in the baseball club when they were in school.
I don't know if NEWS members like baseball or no, but I hope my favorite team will invite my favorite idols someday.
And Massu must be selected to the character for the swimming tournament, because he like swimming!