There's this burning....

Feb 28, 2005 22:23

hey hey everyone...How's it goin'? i've been alright, kinda stressed out though, but making it through. i can't believe that track has already started, first race for freshman and sophomores is next friday, and first race for the rest of the team is the 15th, i think..maybe the 16th, im not sure..but the 15th or 16th. we'll be basically running the 800 and 1600 for the first part. then after the Palo Verde Relays on the 19th, its Spring Break, and i'll be down in Cabo. When i get back and recover from my hang over, the rest of school will be a breeze. i really dont know why i'm writing like this..but its cool, i guess. i wonder who will actually read all of this..comment on it if you do read it all. muahaha. moving on to other subjects, i've been single for about 2 or 3 weeks, i can't remember...but i might be seeing someone, but not dating them. just hanging out and having a fun time together before i leave for college, lets put it that way...maybe something might change, but who knows. anyway, i'm set for going to UNR for college, and i got a letter today about me being in the College of Engineering, so i guess I'm in for Computer Science. yay. changing subjects, once again, tomorrow is a track work out, most likely 400's at mile pace. my pace will be 77, so that will give me a 5:12 mile, and the last 2 laps are the race, and if i can pray for mojo for that long i'll break 5:10, and be closer to my goal, and i swear on all things holy i just saw my picture in the lower right hand corner of the screen jump around...i'm sotally tober... ok, my goal is to get 4:59, and i have to put everything i got into the mile. i'm not an 800 guy, but i ran a 2:19 the other day, new PR by 14 seconds, and i have to drop that 9 seconds to get my goal. well see whats going on. this entry is mostly about track. :-P well, im going to bed to recharge for school and tomorrow's work out. good night!

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