Mar 23, 2004 02:30
how about all i have been doing since i turned 21 is gotten drunk every night? no. correction:ive gotten drunk since james turned 21,which is two days before i turned 21. so add that up. the night of the 12th i got drunk. then to now. today being the 23rd. is that bad? yes. do i care? not really. i went and saw dawn of the dead today. despite all speculations (i doubted this movie from the get-go because goddamnit i LOVED the original. fucking LOVED IT. the scene with the guy with the afro that gets shot in the head? one of my favorite scenes of all time. this doubt was brought up due to a really bad remake of one of my favorite movies of all time,the texas chainsaw massacre. that was horrible. whoever did that should die.) this movie was the shit! like previously stated i figured this was a cash in on everything retro selling today. you cant deny that a majority of stuff advertised/sold right now are throwbacks. deny it and ill spit in your face and call you a yellow bellied liar. then ill punch you in the face. and fuck your wife. anywho,i figured since my texas chainsaw massacre was butchered this movie would suck. up until i was in the movie for 5 minutes and then they said "were going to the mall" and my eyes lit up and my jaw dropped and i was HYPED. sure it wasnt too much like the original but it was good enough to make me a fan. and it takes a lot unless your name happens to be quentin tarantino. i was reading someone i cannot remember's el jay and in some survey they were asking what song(s) remind you of a girl/guy and it got me thinking which songs remind me and the one that i remember the most happend to have happened prolly around 6 or 7 months ago,at a park right up the street from my house,sitting around with one of my favorite people in the world smoking weed and what have you and some guy was playing 50 cent "21 questions" and kept rewinding it after the song ended to the same chorus and kept fucking up and rewinding too much and missing the part or skipping to the beginning of the track and having to rewind/fast forward again but he'd land it and sing the chorus to his lady friend repeatedly. it was funny but it reminds me too much of her. it kinda sucks cause our schedules got all hectic and we dont talk too much anymore.but everytime i hear that song i think about that. much like whenever i hear modest mouse i think of saraxbear. yes if you see this i still think about you. nonetheless,i can name a lot but the 50 cent is the first to pop in my head. if you couldnt tell by now im drunk. weve been doing irish car bombs and then we got a gift of early times whiskey and ive been chug-a-lugging some. this and coke. good mix. psuedo jack and cokes if you will. im reading a review/interview with kevin smith about jersey girl and i really want to see it. im stoked on kevin smith cause i can relate a lot to some of his subject matter. like if you took the lesbianism out of chasing amy i can relate. check this. im drunk and spilling my beans.
high fidelity
punch drunk love
swingers (jon favreau's character)
dolemite (ha i wish)
i havent seen eternal sunshine of the spotless mind yet but i bet itll make this list.
im going to read this tomorrow and laugh at how silly i am when im drunk off some crazy whiskey. i apologize to whoever a)got this far and b) got this space taken up on their friends page. goodnight.