As you all know, I have been applying and interviewing for a new job since losing my position at the jewelry store the day after Christmas. One theme seems to be running rampant in each interview.
First things first, though. I have been interviewing with a lot of companies that are looking for sales people. I will pause a little here to see if the title of this post sinks in; don't go any further until you think you've got it...
Are you sure you're ready?
So every employer I have interviewed with has mentioned that they are looking for HUNGRY people! To which I almost replied yesterday that I would like a sandwich (y'know, turkey, ham, cheese, mayo, a little lettuce and maybe some tomato...), but I didn't. See, I understand what they mean when they say they want hungry people.
These employers are looking for someone who will get out there and represent their company aggressively and tenaciously while grabbing up sales and leads like nobody's business. This has got me thinking recently; are there different types of hungry? Hence the title above.
The employers I have spoken to are looking for those that are
hungry like the wolf; aggressive, tenacious, and always looking for their next kill. Sorry for the silly link, but it is what got me started thinking about this post...
Unfortunately, I believe I am more like the
hippo; I'll take what I can get, but I want it to come to me rather than going out to look for it. Again, I know, a silly link, but I am really on a roll here...
So what does all of this mean? It means that I think I have been wasting my time with the wrong career choices. Most of these people haven't called me back, or I haven't been able to even get an interview. Looks like I need to think of something else to pour my energies into; hopefully something a little more productive...
I'm out!
Three Ninjas on TV