A Shot Rings Out...

Jun 03, 2007 13:17

I've been wondering; does it hurt to shoot yourself?

I started wondering that at "work" yesterday. Taking a gun and pressing it to the tender flesh of one's temple is a very dramatic act. Would I be able to squeeze the trigger? Would I even feel the burn from the muzzle as the compact shard of metal is hurled from the barrel of one of Man's most simple and deadly devices? An interesting thought to ponder...

Why do so many people believe life is worth something? Animals kill to eat without regard to whether a plant wanted to live, or if a mother needed to be around to take care of her young. Does a lion care that it has orphaned a gazelle? I don't think so. So what makes the human species so great that we value life, even that of a "lower" life-form over that of our own at times? Why is sacrifice rewarded and selfishness shunned?

I'm getting off topic, as I usually do, since I just type what comes to my head (no cogent and well-articulated arguments here folks!). What I am getting is this; why is that if I hate my life so much and just want to be done with it that I can't just end it? Shouldn't it be easy for me to step in front of a bus, or jump from a building, or any other reckless behavior to get myself erased from all human memory? I guarantee you that I will not be remembered long at all, no matter what you all might say. I've already started to forget the people I want to remember for the rest of my life, so I know that I will be forgotten quite quickly and easily since I haven't made nearly the impact on your lives that these people made on mine.

I just want to be done...


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