Jan 25, 2006 17:33
Today i was givin really really hard Extra Credit. I hate my mythology teacher SUCKS. I hate to find out what is the mythological connection between the dog days of summer and greek mythology? I already got the other part but i really want all ten point of EC ya know.
There was a fight yesterday and expo has a NO fight policy. This girl heard that this other girl was dating her boyfriend named Rodney ( Lets keep in mind BOTH girls knows this guy is a major player) So this girl named jessica found out about this girl named tina and she went after her. In the end Tina got her ass handed to her. Broken nose a few bruised ribs and a fucked up rep at school plus i think she is getting suspended. While jessica only got a few scratches and is expelled or however you spell that. Girl whooped her ass. Got blood on a teacher and the floor the whole nine yards. Funny if ya think about it GIRLS are so fuckin stupid damn.
Today we had our first basketball game and we won. We got out of class to watch it which is cool but then after the game we had to entertain the "Guest" in my production class so i got some pencils and put Central Dragons on them with our laser. That thing is AWESOME. You can do anything with it and i love it. I made my mom a tigger thing.
Oh ya and that kris thing is now tooken care of. He is in jail because he hit his girlfriend and she told the cops about what he did to her and what he did to me and showed them his journal and everything. What a relief Hmm not really i wasnt really scared anyways he has been threating me for about 5 years now. COME FUCKIN ON.
Well it is Kyles birthday coming up soon. I miss him so much. He would be twenty this year on the 27th. :(( I MISS MY BABY and I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. Brian understand why i have been sad recently and i even get snappy with him but i dont really mean to, it is kind wierd though. Brian actually slept next to me last night and even kissed me while i was sleepin. He said that i smiled when he did it but i dont remember me smiling but i was also asleep. I dont even know why i know he kissed me but i know he did. Hmm who knows. I really do care about brian alot. I wish i knew what was ahead for me and him so i dont fuck it up.
Jenn is moving up here. Even might have a job at convenant and we might have a 7 bedroom house. COOL SHIT. i am actually falling for jenn hard and i dont know how to tell my girlfriend and i dont want to be with her because then brian can be and i dont think i could deal with him fucking another girl. Especially one he has dated. I dont know how to tell him this however and i dont want him mad at me. I wish i really knew what to do because i know that i cant have the best of both worlds without sharing but i HATE sharing. Everyone i know knows i hate sharing.
I told my mom whats going on today and she seems happy about it. Brian is like we will see when it happens which to be honest he has all the reason in the world to say that with all the times that they have tried this before and it never happened but OH well once again. Brian is gaining weight now which is normal. HAHAHA he can get fat and sick with me:Pi am so happy about that. I am not happy that i throw up every morning no matter what. Water doesnt taste good but it is clear and doesnt stain carpet THANK god. I wish i knew what else was going on in my house.
OH YEA WHILE I AM THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!! Congrats to my sissy mel for finding herself a man in her town. He better treat her good our i will go to GA and kill me someone. I LOVE YOU SISSY MEL :X:X:X:X:X
Thats gonna be all for now