Oct 06, 2005 20:26

I seriously can't get over how annoying livejournal is. And how annoying people ON livejournal are [this does in fact include me]. Why is everyone bombarding Katie's LJ with weird anonymous comments? Why doesn't everyone else have something more productive to do then sit at home and make comments on SOMEONES FUCKIN' LJ? This is precisely why I disabled the anonymous comment thing on mine because frankly people's immaturity was getting old..really old. I've been on LJ since the 8th grade and never before have I had trouble with people. NEVER. Until now. And it's really ironic, because you'd think I would have had more trouble then when i was younger and people were more immature. I guess I was mistaken. Anyways, I know a lot of idiots intently read this journal searching for ways to tease/ridicule me, and thats why I'm writing this. I KNOW people read this because there is no other way that picutres from THIS journal end up on rating communities, ect unless someone went through my journal, picked out photos, and attempted to use them against me. I KNOW a great deal of people who hate me read this. This is for you, and this will be the last time I address this issue:

The main reason I hate the internet/LJ is because people abuse it. People will say things or do things online that they wouldn't normally have the balls to do face to face to someone. This makes talking about someone much easier. Someone can easly post a big rant about how they hate so and so, and they feel safe because it's the fucking internet. No one's going to strangle you or yell at you through the internet. No matter how much they type it all caps, it doesn't have the same effect as someone spitting and screaming in your face. Basically, people in general are cowards. I know everyone has made that anonymous comment, and everyone has managed to get into an internet argumnt. It's just stupid. What I'm trying to say is, seriously people.look at what you're actually doing. THINK about it. It's retarded! I didn't see it right away, but trust me, it's retarded. I mean, argueing online is just as embarrassing and stupid and asking someone out online or saying "I love you" for the first time over the internet. If you can't say something to their face, don't say it at all. SO. This is to ALL YOU PEOPLE who comment on katie's journal or Shari's journal or Holly's and who have commented on mine. I'M BEGGING YOU! Please tell me all these things about how I'm ugly and how you call me Snappy Tomato Pizza or what the fuck ever TO MY FACE. DON'T fucking IM me and argue with me. That's lame.

My only excuse for doing this via LJ is because I'm not taking time out of my day to tell EACH individual person [and there is about 5 or 6 people who I would need to inform] my thoughts about this. This is the easiest and most efficient way.

So, in conclusion...
Seriously, quit with the LJ drama shit.
Yeah, you call katie, shari and I ugly over
the internet, but will you actually call
me "snappy tomato pizza" to my face?

I just wanna have fun with LJ!
Be happy!
Cut the drama!
Have a wonderful day!

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