Finally an Update!!

May 10, 2012 10:28


So yeah, I have been gone for ages... I apologize, but lots of stuff has been going on.
I have been unhappy for a long time because of my relationship - my bf was/is very mentally ill and it was impossible to do anything together. So for some months I felt like a bystander, watching him go down in flames... And eventually I decided to break it off, because it became too heavy a burden to bear to just be stuck in a limbo of psychological imbalance.

So, yes... I am single. This June we would have been together for 2 years. But I guess it wasn't meant to be. I haven't seen him now for over a month. Luckily we pretty much aggreed on the break-up, and he is doing ok... still very unstable, but okay none the less. And we will always be friends. I really hope he pulls through the whole process of recovery and the pre-pension case.

Single life is weird... but actually pretty comfortable. I feel free and able to do what I want. At the moment I am spending a lot of time with my best friend, and we're having a blast. I feel relieved and I feel like I'm more full of energy than I have been in a long time, to be honest. The break-up was and is still painful, but it was necessary.

This weekend I am part of an art exhibition downtown - I'm really looking forward to it, and a bit stressed out too. Two days in a row from 10am to 5pm. Whoah. Hehehehe, it'll be exciting though. I hope someone will buy a painting or a poetry collection of mine, because I am low on cash - as always.

Other than that nothing new to report... I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still around - and that I plan on posting more. Just hope I find the time... hahaha. Love you guys!!


single, update

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