Америка 100 лет назад в панорамах.

Aug 12, 2012 11:25

Помните, мы уже смотрели разнообразные фото СТАРОЙ АМЕРИКИ недавно. А теперь представляю вам панорамы городов Америки 1850-1910 годов.

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1908 год, Мичиган, "The harbor and ore docks, Marquette, Michigan." Note the tiny parade at left.

1907 год, Новый Орлеан, New Orleans . "The Rex pageant, Mardi Gras." Laissez les bons temps rouler! Panorama of two 8x10 glass plates, Detroit Publishing

1908 год, Мичиган,  Resuming our visit to the Great Lakes port of Marquette, Michigan,

Despatch, New York, circa 1904. "Blacksmith shop, Merchants' Despatch Transportation Co." Operations of the refrigerated rail freight line in what is now East Rochester. Panorama of two 8x10 glass negatives

1910 год, Палм-Бич, Palm Beach, Florida,  "Lake Worth and the Royal Poinciana." Henry Flagler's giant hotel, Snell's tiny Menagerie, a ferry landing and other points of interest feature in this panorama of four 8x10 glass negatives

Circa 1905. "Pittsburgh from Mount Washington -- Monongahela River with Smithfield Street Bridge and Pan Handle Bridge."

1905 год, Нью-Йорк, Rochester, New York,

Scranton, Pennsylvania, circa 1900. "Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad yards." Panorama of two 8x10 inch glass negatives. We've seen the left half of this view before; the right side, with someone's laundry billowing bravely amid the the soot, is new. Detroit Publishing Company

1901 год, Syracuse, New York,  in a panoramic view of the Erie Canal combining three 8x10 inch glass plates. Detroit Publishing Company

Circa 1909. "Toledo, Ohio, waterfront on Maumee River."

1904 год, . "Troy Line piers; RMS Baltic at White Star Line piers, New York." At the time, the Baltic was the world's largest ship.  Detroit Publishing Company

Hoboken, New Jersey, circa 1910. "S.S. Rotterdam at Holland America docks." The full panorama made from three 8x10 inch glass negatives. Landmarks of the Manhattan skyline include the Metropolitan Life tower

Homestead, Pennsylvania, circa 1910. "Homestead Steel Works, Carnegie Steel Co." Lots of interesting details in this humongous panorama made from four 8x10 inch glass negatives. Detroit Publishing Company

1906 год, Манхеттен, New York circa 1906. "Manhattan skyline and East River." Panorama of two 8x10 inch glass negatives. Detroit Publishing Company

New York circa 1904. "Morningside Park, Cathedral of St. John the Divine under construction."

Cleveland, Ohio, circa 1907. "Cuyahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Public Square." This Civil War monument was dedicated July 4, 1894.

New York, October 1910. "Hudson River & Riverside Park; battleships of the Atlantic Fleet.

Atlantic City, N.J., circa 1910. "Boardwalk, Hotel Marlborough-Blenheim and Young's Million-Dollar Pier."

Circa 1915. "The beach and Boardwalk, Atlantic City."

1908 год, Филадельфия, Philadelphia . "Baldwin Locomotive Works." Panorama of two 8x10 inch glass negatives, Detroit Publishing Company

1906 год, Бостон, Boston, Massachusetts, . "Boston Harbor and waterfront."

Calumet, Michigan, circa 1905. "The heart of the copper country."

1901 год, Чикаго, Chicago. "The lakefront from Illinois Central Station."

Detroit circa 1907. "The Campus Martius." Landmarks include the Detroit Opera House, Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Cadillac Square, Wayne County Building and Hotel Pontchartrain. Panorama of three 8x10 glass negatives

1915 год Детройт, Detroit . "Woodward Avenue and Campus Martius." Among the Motown landmarks in this panorama of two 8x10 glass negatives are the Hotel Pontchartrain, Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument, Ford Building, Detroit City Hall and Dime Savings Bank. Detroit Publishing Company

1900 год, Detroit . "Campus Martius and City Hall." Other landmarks in this panorama of three 8x10 glass negatives include the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Detroit Opera House and the Majestic Building; also note the National Hay Association sign and "moonlight tower" arc lamp

Detroit circa 1906. "Detroit Publishing Co., northwest view." Note the greenhouse-style glass to the right employing sunlight for printing and perhaps enlargement, as well as the unusual windows to the left. In the early years of the 20th century, the company was one of the world's biggest producers of color postcards. Panorama made from two 8x10 inch glass negatives

Duluth, Minnesota, circa 1898. "General view from bluffs." Panorama of two 8x10 inch glass negatives, Detroit Publishing Company.

1906 год, Gulfport, Mississippi,  "Great Southern Hotel." Built 1902-03; demolished in 1951.

1908 год, Manhattan . "The Heart of New York." Landmarks in this panorama of four 8x10 glass plates include Broadway, City Hall Park, the City Hall Post Office, the Singer, Park Row, Home Life Insurance and City Investing buildings and, far left, Manhattan Terminal. Note the observer taking in the scene from the cupola atop the domed New York World building. Detroit Publishing Co

Stony Island, Michigan, circa 1910. "Livingston Channel." Construction of the navigation channel along the Detroit River on an icy day.

Los Angeles, California, circa 1899. "The Harbor at San Pedro."

Annual "Bathing Girl Parade," Balboa Island at Newport Beach, California. June 20, 1920.

Richmond, Virginia, in April 1865 showing the burned district along the James River. From photographs of the main Eastern theater of war and fallen Richmond compiled by Hirst Milhollen and Donald Mugridge

Cleveland, Ohio, circa 1910. "American Steel & Wire Co. plant." Your assignment:

Hoboken, New Jersey. "Holland America Line piers." This two-plate composite showing the S.S. Potsdam at harbor could be looked at as a letter to the future -- five years into the future, if we compare it to the other Hoboken panoramas posted this weekend. Who can decipher the riddle?

Hoboken, New Jersey, circa 1910. "Holland America docks and Manhattan skyline." Another three-plate panorama showing the S.S. Rotterdam, and a different perspective on the Curious Tipsy Shed


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