Apparently, I missed the entire beginning of the purging drama. My apologies to those people that felt as though they needed me here (even if just a person to talk to about it).
This post is made for one reason and one reason only. I want to know who is staying on LiveJournal. I, for one, am not leaving. Yes, I have a permanent account and seem to be on top of the LiveJournal world (as there is more icon space and better features), but that isn't true. I am part of numerous fandoms, just like many of you are.
So far, none of my personal journals, communities, or friends have been deleted, but I'm sure that might change soon. There are journals that have been deleted that I've heard of or that many of you guys have friended. My heart goes out to the mods that spent their time and effort making those communities. Really, I know your pain and I'm sorry.
But, LiveJournal deleting these journals does not mean we run. Running is for cowards. Running is for people that don't want to stand and fight. Yes, we all have our complaints about LiveJournal and yes, we all wish that they could be better, but why are we running now?
Playing the devil's advocate right now, the LiveJournal Terms of Service state, "Failure to comply with these [Terms of Service] may result in account revocation." So, technically, LiveJournal has the right to delete a journal if, and only if, we don't follow these terms.
Now, taking the knowledge on the journals being deleted, let's see if we, the users, have been breaking something in the Terms of Service.
During registration, all users are required to provide accurate, complete and current information about themselves in all required fields. Should any of your own information change after submitting it to LiveJournal, you are required to update that information as soon as possible. Should LiveJournal suspect that your personal information is not complete, current, or accurate, your account may be subject to suspension or termination.
This is a tricky part in the Terms of Service. Technically, if we're role-playing a character and put in their correct information, then we aren't lying. So there's not much problem there unless they decide to say that there's more than one journal with the same e-mail address and different birthdays. Easy way around this: create a separate e-mail for every new character. Harry Potter wise, if you role-play four Ron's, make an e-mail for Ron. This might take longer, but it's complying with the Terms of Service. Also, it's easy with Gmail because you can have your e-mails all go to one inbox with it.
Now what's really funny is this part:
All Content posted to LiveJournal in any way, is the responsibility and property of the author. LiveJournal is committed to maintaining the Service in a manner reasonably acceptable to all audiences but is not responsible for the monitoring or filtering of any journal Content. Within the confines of international and local law, LiveJournal will generally not place a limit on the type or appropriateness of user content within journals. Those users posting material not suitable for all audiences must agree that they are fully responsible for all the Content they have posted anywhere on the Service. Should Content be deemed illegal by such law having jurisdiction over the user, you agree that LiveJournal may submit all necessary information to, and cooperate with, the proper authorities;
I would personally like LiveJournal to explain that one to us. If they don't place a limit on appropriateness, why are so many journals being deleted? Oh, but wait...
Should any Content that you have authored be reported to LiveJournal as being offensive or inappropriate, LiveJournal might call upon you to retract, modify, or protect (by means of private and friends only settings) the Content in question within a reasonable amount of time, as determined by the LiveJournal staff. Should you fail to meet such a request from LiveJournal staff, LiveJournal may terminate your account. LiveJournal, however, is under no obligation to restrict or monitor journal Content in any way;
How come nobody was asked to screen the posts? Or modify the info pages to look better? By all means, LiveJournal, please explain this to us.
I find it funny that LiveJournal is deleting so many journals when, in reality, most of these are not violating their Terms of Service. If you find it funny as well, please stay on LiveJournal. If your journal or community is deleted, create another one.
Stand up and defend yourself! Do not let LiveJournal try to do this when they are, in no way, doing what is right. Their Terms of Service (which I did, in fact, read) state what they would do with content that has been deleted. They didn't follow through with that they said they would do, so don't back off.
Stand up, LiveJournal users! Don't move anywhere else and run away! Fight for your right to have discussion boards! Fight for your right to have communities about whatever you want! If you know your community or journal did nothing wrong, then create another one and continue on.
Post Here if you're staying to fight! Post here with your list of communities that you still have or that you will rebuild.
Spread the word; I want to see who is staying through this madness. Don't let LiveJournal win this fight. Beat them, instead.
Also, Also: