Original Rantage Came From Here. I'll highlight the points that I really liked. Especially since this is words that I couldn't form before (writer who can't form words, go figure).
...Alongside these ideas is yet another Hindu thought, the real term for which I can not remember (I don't have my notes on me)...but this term is one of the ideals of Hinduism which indicates that all men should care for all things because we are all one (This great oneness that is the world is called "Braman"). Then she began to tell a story, she said, "Does anyone remember those things called "Random acts of kindness"...awhile back it was a big thing, and that emphasizes this point of Hinduism. By doing good deeds onto others you take your eyes off yourself, help to make yourself less self-centered, and in turn, help to make yourself realize that you are not atman (the singular self) but Braman (one with the great One). No one seems to notice how good it feels to give anymore, I mean, when was the last time you went through a toll booth and paid for the next 10 or so cars that came through, and knew that none of them have a damn clue who you are..."
Then I began to realize exactly how selfish this world is...especially the people who claim to be better than the rest...as illustrated in this disney song "God Help the Outcasts"
God Help the Outcasts
Esmeralda the Gypsy:
I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if You would listen
To a gypsy's prayer
Yes, I know I'm just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to you
Still I see Your face and wonder...
Were You once an outcast too?
God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
God help my people
We look to You still
God help the outcasts
Or nobody will
Church Parishioners:
I ask for wealth
I ask for fame
I ask for glory to shine on my name
I ask for love I can posess
I ask for God and His angels to bless me
Esmeralda the Gypsy:
I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
Please help my people
The poor and downtrod
I thought we all were
The children of God
God help the outcasts
Children of God
As you can see from this song, the only person praying to God for anyone other than themselves is the Gypsy girl. I don't think that Disney intended for this song to make a point like that, but I do. Too many times I have gone to a church and when the pastor opens up the floor for prayer I do not hear people ask for prayer for the needy, or for the sick...I hear that prayer is asked for to help with a decision in their household...or that they need more money because they spent too much on their last vacation to the Bahamas and now the bills are too much to handle...
People in this world have become selfish and greedy...wanting everything for themselves and forcing others to turn to their beliefs because it is better, in the end, for them. But at the same time, they will try to play it off helping the world, or even helping the people that they are obviously hurting....
...In the center of the room we had another video playing, this one made by Judy Shepherd, the mother of Matthew Shepherd, the first gay boy whose funeral Fred Phelps ever protested. Her video, which was made in retaliation to Fred Phelps and his blasphemous talk of how he is "Saving the nation" showed men and boys screaming things like "Fag" "Queer" and "Homo" then she came on and simply stated, "The next time you say things like this, think of how much it really hurts..." then it showed a picture of her son and his death date and cause before she came back on, now crying freely "or there might not be a next time..."
For those who don't know anything about Matthew Shepherd, he was killed by a group of three anti-gay boys who beat him severely then left him to die hanging on a fence. He hung there for 18 hours before he was discovered and sent to the hospital. There he was so badly hurt that the only part of him that was not bandaged was his eyes. He spent 4 days in agony from the beating before succumbing to death.
Is this what good people do?
Then I'm not one of them....
...It's true that loves the only house big enough for all the pain in the world...but people seem to have forgotten what love is. Now a days love is forcing someone to be like you, because they will be better off for it, and I'm not just talking about Christians...everyone is like that. Even I have been like that at times, but the real point is that Love is understanding, is letting go, and is accepting everything and everyone around you. Death to those who are different from you is not the answer. The Hindu's believe that there are thousands of paths to enlightenment, an they will not tell you that you are wrong because you do not worship as they do...but Christians will...Muslims will...
Did you know that those are the ONLY two religions in the world that believe their way is the ONLY way?
Seems kind of silly when you stop and think about all the other religions who have never said a word against you, how much we try to change them.
So I guess my point is now this...everyone needs to stop for a minute and pull their heads out of their asses. If you are truly so much greater than me, or my agnostic friend, or my muslim friend, or my hindu friend, or my black friend (I think you get the point)...then prove it to me...
Show me that you have enough faith in your God to call down fire from the heavens...
Maybe then I'll eat the shit you spout...
Because according to Fred Phelps and his gaggle of lunatics that is what gay men do, eat shit...
[And no, I'm not LJ-cutting this.]