Mar 18, 2006 20:33
I hate when I get to the point in something that the next installment isn't out... and worse yet... It leaves on a cliffhanger.
My current problem is the manga I''s. It's a romantic comedy that is starting to get really good... I want to read more... but there isn't more to read just yet... it's extremely fucking annoying. Infact... I have that problem with all my mangas... I buy in bulk... so I'm cuaght up with damn near all of them... and I say damn near becuase I started a new series yesterday to give me something to do while I wait for the others to come out...
This is all so very frustrating... so many intreging stories... and I can't continue them... /cry
I tried AQ 20 today... server lag fucked us on every attempted we made on the 1st boss... once at around 4% and another at 5... though... I take that back... the first time we just didn't know what the best strat was. all times after that we did real good till the lag.
I need to start reading my books... complete stories are better than mangas that fuck with your desires to read more...
I saw "V is for Vendetta", good movie, very strong political message... hope people can see that. It also convinced me to stop putting off the finding and downloading of the 1812 Overture. I also finally found the full version of O fortuna... Someone on vent said to me "my god, you actually listen to that stuff?" and I told him to not be upset that I have good taste in music, Ode to Joy was on at the time. he then said "I can imagine him runnign around fighting witht hat music on and thinking he's a bad ass" I replied... "no, if I wanted to feel like a badass I would listen to this" and put O fortuna on... which is the ultimate in battle music since I can't understand the words...
That about ends my rant... see ya next time