
Oct 11, 2005 21:29

I've been thinking alot today about alot of things while a work... mostly because my co-workers aren't worth talking too ( Read more... )

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This is Hoyt Criss Hi william how are you cassi_clement October 17 2005, 18:20:13 UTC
Ok... 2 things. 1 you need to work on grammar. 2 where do i begin. ok well the bible is written by people congratulation we have know that for thousands of years. And yes people are flawed and blah blah blah. to the point at hand. Christianity is a monotheistic system of beliefs that center around Jesus Christ. The U.S. government was created by wealthy land owners and exporters/importers. They dumped there collective wealth into separating from Great Britain. Just because they were christian dosent mean our government is christian. Obviously you have never taken a U.S. history class of any kind ever. The Government and the religion of christianity are 2 different entites all together. Why they are so interconnected and dependant on each other is kind of confusing. You said that "being open minded to things as well is definitely good cause i've found people with close minds are the most ignorant on this planet." yet in the next post you say "common sense alone says there's nothing to be afraid of now, no devils, no demons, and certainly most there is no GOD in the sense of an almighty being. why? cause he's a concept invented by human beings which means the idea is as flawed as we are, thus making it null and void. " that sounded pretty close minded in it self in comparison to your previous statement. Ok to recap, You say open mindedness is good. and then you are close minded to the very concept of GOD. Therefore you have committed an act of hypocrisy. making you a... Survey say out of a hundred people... A HYPOCRITE yay. ok now having shot two of your arguments in the same rebuttal i suppose i should make it known that this is not cassi answering your attack. hello william this is hoyt and i know you have to think this person is a bit of an idiot for thinking that they are so incapable of being a hypocrite. I don't know why you became so defensive but if you were in our group at college and william was there, there is a good chance that even he would smack down your argument with a barrage of rebuttals and there's also a good chance you would be pelted and beaten with shoes for a few minuets. basically what I'm saying is you need to read a lot more and know a lot more facts before you go into another argument. Wiliam for the love of sweet baby pizza dont let these people post to your well worded arguments.(which me and cassi agree with the prostitution thing.) And remember if your get all defensive it means that you over compensating.


Re: This is Hoyt Criss Hi william how are you masteroftheweb October 17 2005, 19:34:21 UTC
As much as I don't care about the hypocrisy and shit... there is one thing I need to correct you on... this nation was founded by Puritans... and the reason they were wealthy land owners is because of the Puritan work ethic... build a barn, save your money, repeat... they didn't believe in spending money on luxuries... so their families had alot of money saved up when they abandoned that way of thinking... but the nations was pretty much settled and build upon but Christan's...


Re: This is Hoyt Criss Hi william how are you stormshadow_red October 17 2005, 20:34:11 UTC
are you replying to her or me? then again i don't really give a shit either way.


Re: This is Hoyt Criss Hi william how are you stormshadow_red October 17 2005, 21:14:08 UTC
i'm not going to waste my time on a bitch i don't even know that's trying to start a fight just cause i don't believe in her stupid christian values. the fact you're trying to make ridiculous claims that i have bad grammar and that i need to over compensate shows how much offense you took at the fact i despise christianity.

this is just for you for turning a civil discussion into a full blown argument all cause of your ignorance. oh and congrats, by personally claiming those things you can kiss my ass; you're know under my classification of people who don't deserve to even exist on this planet.


cassi_clement October 17 2005, 21:45:50 UTC
Another reason I don't devuldge myself into Religion, right there.

But speaking from an Agnostic's point of view, Sure - I can honestly admit I believe in a higher power, and possibly a decendant (IE - God and his son, Jesus). But how can we be granted Free Will, and at the same time be expected to worship a Diety of "Salvation", when we must go against that Free Will and stick to moralls that are see fit, by this Diety?

*shrugs* Irregardless, a Christan human is said to respect another human's beliefs - even if they're not of the same measure.



hexaven October 17 2005, 21:48:12 UTC
That was me, By the way.

Sorry bout that, will :P


hello this is hoyt cassi_clement October 17 2005, 23:34:08 UTC
yeah how are you doing. i believe i can shed some light on the situation of you question. free will and all. ok when you hear about how god made us into his image. well i believe that it was referring to the soul. well the soul needs things. wants things like love and happiness. some people need a little some people need a whole lot. god has this need of love too. so god created man. but if man could no choose what to love or hate then he would never truly love. so they need free will. so god gave us free will. but then god had the problem of if they only know the good then they will never know the bad and therefore can never truly love. so they need to eat the apple and all that but god couldent make them do and then kick them out of eden so they had to do it on there own. basically god wanted us to choose to love him but in doing so god only wanted good people to love him. so that set a few limitations ie morals and values coherent to god. god wanted it to be hard to lead the righteous life cause that way those who were righteous in spirit ie good christians would he very kind a gentle and all around good people. it basically like a filter. to keep the bad people away and keep the best people close to him. well that pretty much my thoughts on it and there you go. go have fun with this new idea if you want.


Re: hello this is hoyt stormshadow_red October 18 2005, 18:24:46 UTC
he was basically telling you to respect the fact people have different beliefs than you. if you don't believe i'm right, ask him you brainwashed little child you.


Re: This is Hoyt Criss Hi william how are you cassi_clement October 17 2005, 23:17:55 UTC
Hello im hoyt criss. Im a guy responding to this because cassi dosent care and because i dont have a LJ. So here we are. Ok You seem overly defensive. um projection can be a serious psychological problem. you seem to think that i am forcing some kind of christian values on you. Im just telling you of christianity which seem to really piss you off. You are and i acctually bash christianity all the time. im not even going to try to bring up a point or counter point. im just going to say it. you are a hypocrite. and your pissed cause i can prove it with your own words. second you are overreacting. third you are attacking me personaly by calling me a "retard" and you you seem to refer to the idea of god as a christien value. first of all it jewish and second you keep saying values when you mean to say ideas. You also like to say ignorance but can you even define it. oh and as for the grammar part "by personally claiming those things you can kiss my ass; you're know under my classification" the use of a semi colon and the fact that you use the word know instead of now make me belive you have bad grammar. You talk like your an expert on christianity and like your some what infalible thing but your a person your flawed welcome to reality. your a hypocrite im a hypocrite cassi is a hypocrite. so welcome to the fray i like to call humanity. umm dont freak out again and remeber even if you dont think he exsist god loves you and i hope you have a good day.


Re: This is Hoyt Criss Hi william how are you stormshadow_red October 18 2005, 18:16:34 UTC
are you really that stupid and ignorant or did you learn how to be that way? i'm not some 3rd grade dumbass who doesn't know god is a jewish conception. i said christian values, NOT who made god up you ignorant retard. where under VALUES is god covered? he's a freaking deity, not a value.

trying to psycho-analyze me i see,i won't even wish you luck on that cause you failed in your first reply to me. i'm not angry, if i were angry i'd be frothing with rage and my posts would be nothing but short replies of two sentences at most telling you to basically screw yourself. they aren't, why? cause i'm fucking amused and damn near laughing my ass off here at how stupid you are.

you say you're just telling me about christianity...bullshit. i've heard that line more times than i want to count. you're just another person who is stupid enough to think everyone should believe in your religion and if they don't like it you'll do everything you can just to make them out as if they were satan themselves. by the way, you really should think about saying things like " Wiliam for the love of sweet baby pizza dont let these people post to your well worded arguments."

i may not know the guy in person but i've known him for nearly 4 years or more, i'll reply in this lj if i damn well choose cause he's my friend. if you don't like that then perhaps you shouldn't bother replying in something like this if you can't stand other people stating their own view points. if anyone has a psychological problem here, that would be you, cause it's obvious you're too fucking stupid to hold an intelligent and civil discussion. you just seem to want to make yourself appear as if you were better than everyone else and that you're smarter, cooler, whatever, etc. i don't give a shit. you're arrogant, uptight, ignorant, retarded, and downright stupid oh and you really should come down off your high horse too.


Re: This is Hoyt Criss Hi william how are you stormshadow_red October 18 2005, 18:22:24 UTC
oh and it isn't bad grammar you dipshit, just like everyone else i happen to make typos on the keyboard from typing too fast. on top of that i don't give a flying fuck to proof read what i type just for a few mistakes in spelling. seems someone's a fucking word nazi too, yet another thing you need to work on getting rid of from your personality.


Re: Now this is cassi. cassi_clement October 18 2005, 22:42:45 UTC
You seriously need to chill. No one is over here calling you names, trying to convert you, or even be mean. Your arguement was weak, and we only pointed it out. You say you are an open person but you can't even accept me for who I am. So what if I am a Messianic Jew, that is me, that is where my morals and beliefs lie. I have not once tried to get you to turn to Christianity or force my beliefs on you. I only corrected you on something you got wrong. Something that can be proven by facts based on the fact that they are written down in the bible (I am not meaning it by (it is in the bible so it is a fact, hopefully you understand the difference.))
You say you didn't but your actions speak for themselves. You constantly cuss and call us names. Why would you do that unless you were on the defense? You say that we need to get off our high horse but, the only person around here who is even acting like they have a horse to get on to is you. You have been completely disrespectful and closeminded with every word you have typed.

The arguement has almost lost all its meaning, but yet you continue to barrage us with mean words and cussing.
After this post I will not say anything else, because you are too closed off and rude to even deal with. I am sure you will post a comment to this telling me I am stupid, arrogant, ignorant, retarded, and etc.
I challenge you to reply to this in a civil manor, believe it or not, there are people in this world who can hold a good arguement without ever attacking someone personally as you have.

My point in the beginning was that the government can legalize prositution and that it would have no impact on Christianity, and I stated that I would be more than happy to post some scripture's addresses so you could view them yourself. (if you would like I am still more than happy to do that)

I also said you needed to read the bible before passing judgement you stated that you have read it several times... I am guessing by your negative feelings towards it that you didn't do it with an open mind.

But I am done here, and I will not be replying anymore unless you ask for the scriptures.

So take care, have a nice life, and chill out (your gonna give yourself aneurysm before you are reach middle aged with how excited you get),


Re: Now this is cassi. stormshadow_red October 19 2005, 18:53:16 UTC
you two just don't seem to know when to leave a person alone do you. I never got anything wrong, you just say i did. i'm didn't say you were wrong though, i just thought your religion is stupid and ridiculous and just isn't something i see as truth or fact.

all you keep doing is saying things every typical christian would in some vain attempt to get a person to turn to your religion and be "saved by god". you say things in the bible are fact, well i'm sorry to tell you this but they honestly aren't. there's no way to verify anything in that book as true except certain places that have pretty much passed with time itself. if anything that book is simply a historical reference to cities that no longer exist and a couple good wars. considering most the people who wrote were either high on drugs from their own time or spent too much time wandering in their deserts and getting their brains fried from the heat, all that book could be is the ravings of mad lunatics.

and that crap about moses parting a sea (just as an example), please i've seen magicians pull better parlor tricks. if anyone honestly believes in that kind of stuff that's fine, but don't think for one moment i'm going to buy that kind of bullshit.

on the prostitution thing, if our government tries to legalize it, every christian in this nation practically, will do their best to fight it where it'd be left to the state governments to decide which of them will legalize it and which won't. even that they'll try to fight cause no christian is going to allow something they see as a sin to be legalized by the government. oh wait, most the people in our government are christians....that means a law like that won't even be considered and for a long damn time at that.

you're right, the argument lost it's meaning cause your boyfriend or husband or whatever he is to you (most likely your play thing after what i read in your own lj), couldn't stop shoving his beliefs off on me and even you can't refrain from doing that. you're still talking to me as if i want to read anything from your religion that i already know about and consider to be ignorance personified.


Re: Now this is cassi. stormshadow_red October 19 2005, 18:53:41 UTC
and to finish that since it was too long to post as one:

"I also said you needed to read the bible before passing judgement you stated that you have read it several times... I am guessing by your negative feelings towards it that you didn't do it with an open mind." now you're jumping to conclusions right there. i've read it alright and i read with a fully open mind. i laughed my ass off through the entire thing cause i honestly considered it all to be complete garbage. if anything it's a useful item for comedians to insult to their heart's content and i'd still be laughing. i'm not negative about, you simply assume i am all cause i don't believe in what you do. here's a thought for you, if you believe in your ridiculous religion then do what it says and respect the fact other people choose NOT to believe it and even choose to believe in other religions. your bible and your religion holds no form of moral power over me in any way and it's corrupted your own personal morals to the point you try to shove your beliefs off on people.

the one thing that really makes me not buy into that crap is the fact it's even stated in the book of revelations at the end of the bible that only a select few thousand people are getting into your heaven even if the masses worship god. clearly that means the majority of people in this world are going to be sent to your hell that's described in that bible even if they worship him and believe in christianity for sins that common sense says don't mean jack shit in the big picture. your god as you describe him isn't all forgiving considering that. if he even exists which i doubt he does, then he's the most elitist bastard to ever grace the universe and seriously needs to have his ass beaten with a bamboo stick.

also, if you think i'm all excited, etc. you're wrong, i'm simply still laughing my ass off at how stupid you two are over your own religion and thinking i'm going to die by middle age. thank you for this stimulating and completely useless discussion of which you've turned into the most classic bullshit i've read online in quite some time. may the satan you believe in greet you with warm arms in the afterlife cause fact be it by your own religion, you may very well not even get into heaven just by worshipping your god.


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