Life by wisedom

Aug 14, 2009 01:58

So it's been a bit...
(checking what i've posted last)
well i guess i dont type here as often as in my notebooks and journals and social networks and tape-recorders.
I'll start with MIND:
+Experiences with women have allowed for a new demographic of fandom
+Through college I continue to lazily retain higher-level thinking and dominance.
-So many subjects being learned at once, my mental "Bittorrent" has slowed progress of knowledge intake
+/- I have a BIG stack of books in queue for absorption
+Been thinking positively and infecting others' mannerisms
+My garden is slowly flourishing and i have reaped the fruits of my nursery already:)
-Confusion, on all fronts

+Been eating better than before, trying to gain weight
-/+Because I haven't had the time, lack of constant training has built fat layer in the core
-Lover and friends' smoking habit has intoxicated my lungs and they need healing.
+Im still alive
-There is just something overlooking my strength, BEGONE!

+I won the ego battle with my advirsary in regards to the belle-famme we were sharing.
-I continue to feel like an old man given a second chance at health, am I living properly?
+I feel loved and I like to think I love, I wish not to press failure to prove this to myself.
-FUCK americans, when you come after me for supplies, no mercy will have your skulls keep my berries. The zombies will come and I will unleash the dragon.
+I am soon to visit the fatherland, WITH MY FATHER!
+/-restlessness has taken me, i can succeed, but i haven't yet.

I have now crossed over the marking point of a 5-month relationship. The beautiful Elyse Perkins is now only mine and I enjoy her company, love, romance and family. I am to continue my journey in life with her as was directed me by the winds. She is a cute creature and has potential to learn. Her spirit is Earthbound, but in regards to my own training, she will suit me. The lass is soon to represent herself as one of the Suicide Girls. I have supported her fully in this decision and hope for the best to befall unto her. Her hund is cute too and licks my face in the morning when I don't wanna wake up.
Craculus is growing well and if it survives, I will own a snake as well. I found a new-born Ringneck, just 3 inches. Living in day-and-a-halves has had me in wierd sleep cycles. I think its ok overall but I do need to get to bed. My car's being a Swedish dildo so I need to take care of its insubordination. Sleepy, will report back soon.

-Arkadiusz Mlynarski
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