In the
post over here explaining why Scans_Daily was suspended and what the mods are trying to do about it, the amazing and fantastic
pandanoai has the entire comm, from 2005 through February 6th, saved as an LJArchive file and available for download. I'm reading posts right now, because nothing makes me feel better than seeing Bart be adorable, Hal Jordan get hit in the head, and Midnighter kiss his husband. It's great she did that, really incredible - it's a huge resource that I can't imagine losing. I go to S_D to check obscure plot points and make sure I'm not screwing something up in my stories; to giggle over Context Is For The Weak when I need a pick-me-up; to decide what titles are worth buying and which aren't; to indulge my new-found love of characters I've never heard of before by reading every panel they appear in. I'm so glad I'll still have that, even if the comm is gone for good.
But man, having the posts available to me now is making me realize how much I miss Scans_Daily already. Because it's not just the posts - it's a wrench every time I get to the end, and there's no comments. No one clarifying a mistake the poster made in their explanation of the backstory. No one making icons. No one offering their philosophical critique of Grant Morrison's writing. No Didio and Quesada hate. No Liefield mocking. No people remarking how insanely gay Green Lantern and Green Arrow are for each other. No motto.
Scans_Daily is what got me into comics a year ago. It's what fed my addiction. It's how I found out that I loved Guy Gardner, Booster Gold, Jaime Reyes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Connor Hawke, Tim Drake, Bart Allen - just about every character who matters to me. Every dime I have spent on comics is because of this comm. And I can't imagine going somewhere else, I really can't. Where else am I going to find real fans talking, with a mix of humor and seriousness, anger and love, about the real comics, not just what the PR people at Marvel and DC want you to see? Where else will I find a place that slash friendly? Where else, in a genre so dominated by men, and immature men at that, will I find a community with that many women ready and willing to post and talk about what they like and what they read?
I'm sorry to everyone on my flist who isn't into comics, because I'm sure it is really boring to listen to me whine about this. But I just feel so...gutted. I feel like I've really lost something special today, and it hurts.
(All I have to say about the consensus rumor that PAD is responsible for getting us the axe is that if it is true, I am never buying anything of his again. Which is sad, because he wrote Young Justice and I really wanted to eventually replace my downloaded cbrs with real comics, but if you disrespect and mistreat your fans the way he did, you don't get a goddamned cent from me.)