I'm Gonna Go Read Frankenstein and Listen To Music About Hitting Things With Swords

Jan 28, 2009 20:01

*raises head*

*flips off universe*

Fuck this shit. I am so done with this week. Just...fail. SO MUCH FAIL.

When I checked my email tonight, I noticed an email from my bank saying a transaction had been made with my check card yesterday. I knew I hadn't used my card yesterday, and I didn't recognize the name of the company at all. Went on their website and couldn't figure out why I might have bought anything from them, especially since, oh yeah, I DIDN'T USE MY CARD YESTERDAY. So I kinda started freaking out a little. Sure, it was only twenty dollars, but still. Not good!

So I called the bank. Customer service guy was very nice and helpful and talked me through all my options. Which were very limited, since my bank in NM and I am not. But he was cool enough to keep me on and try to find something we could do, since his attitude was the same as mine - better muck around with it now, even if it turns out to be nothing, than try to deal with tons of debt if someone really had gotten my card number.

So what we ended up doing was canceling my debit card and mailing a new one to my address here at school (it was kind of ridiculous, I was already out the door on my way to dinner and I had to come back because I don't actually know my physical address). I should have it in two days; meanwhile, I can't buy anything. Particularly since I have no cash. Guess I'll be eating dinner at TAP tomorrow? And hopefully I will get the new card before I shopping this weekend.

But the crowning glory of this story of epic fail. After I finished talking to Customer Service Guy, I went to dinner, and afterwards I took the number he gave me for the company who made the charge on my card and gave them a call, just to let them know it wasn't a legit purchase.

...turns out, it totally was. *headdesks repeatedly* They are a company who loans out those card swipe things to musicians and stuff, and the charge was for the shirt I bought at the concert. Like a week and a half ago. Which is why I didn't recognize it - if it had shown up last week I would have said, oh, right, T-shirt, and not thought about it at all! Bad JoCo!

I mean, I'm not like horribly upset about it. After working for that identity theft company over the summer, I'd much rather be safe than sorry when it comes to my money, and I think I can survive without my debit card for two days. It's just that it's going to be such a hassle changing the billing on all my online accounts - iTunes, Amazon, Cafepress, Livejournal, have to change EVERYTHING - plus I feel like a total ass, causing so much trouble over something that turned out to be totally my fault.


fail, whining

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