Work and Incest, Two Great Things That Go Great Together?

May 16, 2013 22:59

Sometimes, in the course of doing research for a story, I read every major piece of Arthurian canon from 1100-1350. And sometimes I learn about roofing practices in pre-industrial England, or the comparative practices of human sacrifice in Iron Age Northern Europe and Pre-Columbian Central America, or marriage structures in Heian Era Japan, or the geographic layout of Chicago, or agriculture in Tibet.

And sometimes I spend my entire lunch break making a chart to try to figure out the comparative odds of having to fuck your sibling to conceive a child if you are both in opposite-sex relationships, vs one being in a same-sex relationship.

Conclusion: if both siblings are married to the opposite sex, then every combination of genders/older sibling&spouse fertility can produce a child, but there are several combinations where the only option is either incest, or a child who isn't genetically related to the family. If the younger sibling is married to the same sex, there are a few combinations that can't produce a child, because there is only one male/female in the group, but every combination that can make a baby can make it without incest, and it will genetically related. So if you want to minimize the sibling-fucking while still keeping baby-making options open, gay marriage isn't a bad idea!

(just because this story - I've been calling it Obligate Gay Marriage 'Verse - is totally id-y wish fulfillment doesn't mean I can't try to come up with retroactive ways to make the world-building plausible! And no, incest-avoidance is not the only reason this world has gay marriage, I swear.)

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